My Random TV Thread

@AWP agree on all accounts. I am very found of Susie.

What is your favorite episode? Mine was the Hitler nut, I haven't laughed that hard for awhile. O_o

Of course I got 1 left so that could change...... :ROFLMAO:
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@AWP agree on all accounts. I am very found of Susie.

What is your favorite episode? Mine was the Hitler nut, I haven't laughed that hard for awhile. O_o

Of course I got 1 left so that could change...... :ROFLMAO:

That one was pretty good. I don't know if I have a favorite episode...maybe the gypsy focused one?

Susie's delicious. They did a great job with the casting. There was another great casting move, but I don't want to spoil the ending.

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War. 8 or 9 hour long episodes. Explains everything from the history of the Manhattan Project and Russia pre WW2 to.the Cold War and Russia in Ukraine.

3 episodes in. Getting a bit revisionist history and glossing over lots of the paramilitary interventions in S/Central America and Iran in an effort to explain how deadly nukes are.

I'll wait to finish before giving a rating but its definitely worth a watch.
I wrapped up Masters of the Air last night.

Overall, I really enjoyed the series. I've posted elsewhere, so I don't want to repeat myself, but I think the series is well worth a watch.
I have two gripes though:
1. Including the Tuskegee Airmen. The unit and men are storied enough, but here they felt shoehorned into the story. To show up in episode 8 or 9, minimal context, no character development...I think it did the men a disservice through the half-assed presentation seen in the series. I also found it curious in the end of series "what happened to them" segment that two characters who appeared in two episodes were placed before all but one main character. It all felt like pandering to the audience or pick any one of the social topics present in the US today. The unit deserves better, even if it means leaving it out of the series.
2. History nerd moment: At the end of the war it showed the 100th still flying the B-17F. At that point all units had converted to the G model or had the bulk of the a/c converted to the G model (my money is on "all" because the F models would be war weary and replaced). The G is very distinct because of its chin turret on the front of the a/c. I think the series did a great job with CGI, so how this was missed is beyond me. They had the late war paint schemes nailed...but on the wrong aircraft. How do you get so much right, but ignore one extremely fundamental fact?

100th Bomb Group | Bomb Group | B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies
B-17 Production List - Aero Vintage Books
I posted earlier that overall, I was disappointed with Masters of the Air. Perhaps, an issue with having unrealistically high expectations -- I wanted the series to kill it, but it didn't. Worth watching but not one I can really rave about.

Character development fell flat and they tried covering way too many topics in 9 episodes; ex. AWP mentioned Tuskegee Airman. They just felt thrown in for no real logical reason. I'd have left them out because that's an entire story on its own. I mentioned CGI before, and while the quality of the CGI was generally very good, they didn't know when to say when, IMO.

Overall, it simply tried to be too much.
Curb’s series finale was Larry at his “F-you, don’t tell me what to do” absolute best.
@AWP agree on all accounts. I am very found of Susie.

What is your favorite episode? Mine was the Hitler nut, I haven't laughed that hard for awhile. O_o

Of course I got 1 left so that could change...... :ROFLMAO:

That one was pretty good. I don't know if I have a favorite episode...maybe the gypsy focused one?

Susie's delicious. They did a great job with the casting. There was another great casting move, but I don't want to spoil the ending.

There's something Natalie Wood about Susie...sooo...I'll handle it while you two go get me a beer.
Manhattan, on Amazon Prime, two seasons, kind of old (2015-16) about the Manhattan Project. Very dramatic and almost entirely fictional, a shit-ton of twists and turns. Hella good, I binged it. Why they did not do a third season I've no idea.

Now I need to go sit in a dark room and contemplate my life.
Manhattan, on Amazon Prime, two seasons, kind of old (2015-16) about the Manhattan Project. Very dramatic and almost entirely fictional, a shit-ton of twists and turns. Hella good, I binged it. Why they did not do a third season I've no idea.

Now I need to go sit in a dark room and contemplate my life.

That has my future ex-wife Rachel Brosnahan. I think I started that one, sounds like I need to revisit the show.
1 and 2 were awesome. 3 I found boring but with some redeeming qualities (Ewan MacGregors performance was very good). I didn’t make it past episode 1 of season 4.
Re: Fargo

Agree. 1 and 2 were awesome… I could not get myself to finish 3, I just found myself not caring about any of the characters, not even the woman cop; maybe I will go back to it. Never started 4…

5 with John Hamm might be my favorite so far, really really cool. A trippy ending you never see coming and… Well, I’ll leave it at that so not to offer any spoiler.