Monsters by Ryan Murphy of American Horror Story fame. He's done A LOT of series so his name is out there. This particular season is about the Menendez brothers, a couple of lads who used shotguns to settle their father's will back about 91 or something.
The first 2-3 episodes are kind of wild and really pull you in, pure entertainment. The next 2 or 3 fall flat, the highlight being the "rape" episode. Seriously, they devoted an entire episode on the alleged rape of Kyle and Erik Menendez by their father. The viewer is subjected to what essentially amounts to a loop describing some heinous shit between a father (to a lesser extent the mother) and their children. Over and over. A loop. I'm not kidding. A loop of sordid details as they prepared for trial. The people changed but the words did not... it was the same story.
Kiddie rape and incest is uncomfortable to me, but if it advances the narrative, I'm onboard. The series advanced the narrative in 5-10 minutes and then promptly repeated the same story over and over. I fell asleep because it was horrific, but repetitive.
The final 2-3 were good or very good, but not enough to salvage my perception of the story's middle chapter.
Great opening, garbage middle, very good ending. Ima give this one 2.5 out of 5 servings of cinnamon because the middle section is just that bad.
Our next stop is the Vince McMahon tale on Netflix.
ETA: Fixing English or whatever.