My Random TV Thread

1883 was terrific; nearly perfect and Taylor Sheridan's best work. View it on it's own, not in the context of the Yellowstone world.
I am glad you said this, because Sam Elliott's inclusion was my first point of actual interest in the series, and it's great to know it's an even better watch without having to sift through an entire show's worth of context.
Anyone watched Rogue Heroes? Just crushed season 1 and very much looking forward to season 2. "Mostly true" story about how the SAS became to be.

Sound track is great. I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

Which streaming service?

It is a BBC production, but I believe the US distribution rights are with MGM, so MGM+. It came out awhile ago.
Watched the last episode of Tulsa King - really ended up liking this show. I hope season three doesn't take forever.

Really furious at the producers of Outer Range...
...why in the actual f*&$ did I spend so much time watching that shit just to be left with the most unsatisfactory cliff hanger, sorry the show got too expensive to produce, fuck it, lets move on, ending in almost all of streaming TV history...

Yellowstone - I'm sort of just hanging on at this point. Everything just feels anticlimactic.
Its like watching Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, and trying to act surprised when Anakin turns to the darks side...
...yep, thats right - spoiler alert - Anakin turns to the dark side.

Landman: first few episodes and I'm hooked. Billy Bob Thornton in a starring role as Billy Bob Thornton. Landman could have been a prequel to Bad Santa.
Just imagine - a high functioning alcoholic named "Tommy" that does nefarious shit for the oil industry - eventually, he runs afoul of the oil industry and has to skip town before the cartel members and dirty oilmen cut his head off and bury his body in the desert...
...he changes his name to "Willie" and drops off the map. His dysfunctional relationship with his kids certainly helps explain his odd relationship with children and why he ends up taking such a fatherly role with Thurman. His alcoholism easily explains how the turn from powerful land manager for an oil company to mall-Santa hiding from the law can certainly explain his spiraling alcoholism.

Still haven't seen Lioness