My Random TV Thread

Re: Yellowstone

Taylor pulled a season 8 Game of Thrones. After all that time between seasons, the best he could do was waste countless hours of episodic story time and instead product place all his sellable shit (including himself). Such a disappointment.

Fortunately 1883 is a hell of a stand alone season; I may go give that a rewatch.
Re: Yellowstone

Taylor pulled a season 8 Game of Thrones. After all that time between seasons, the best he could do was waste countless hours of episodic story time and instead product place all his sellable shit (including himself). Such a disappointment.

Fortunately 1883 is a hell of a stand alone season; I may go give that a rewatch.

I see where he's going with the story and the problem is you have the lives of so many characters to wrap up.

That said, they waste a lot of time with Kayce's new house, singers on stage, extended "this is how good I am with a horse" scenes, etc. You could have the house and horses in the episodes, but with less time, time you could devote to fleshing out more details. Also in vague terms to avoid a major spoiler, unless there's some payoff, the death of one character was pointless. It gave us some heartwarming "barn dust" scenes...but why have them at all? The death kicks off more scenes that do not advance the story. Do all of the above and you save 15-20 minutes of screen time which is a lot for TV and movies. The pool party...WHY?

There are other belabored plot points I won't mention because I don't want to spoil the show.

It feels rushed, but it didn't have to be this way. Spoilers below.

I'll bet they sell the land to the indig who turn around and lease a substantial portion back to the family, thus keeping the ranch intact, land back to the indig, and a fuck you to the developers.
Re: Yellowstone

Taylor pulled a season 8 Game of Thrones. After all that time between seasons, the best he could do was waste countless hours of episodic story time and instead product place all his sellable shit (including himself). Such a disappointment.

Fortunately 1883 is a hell of a stand alone season; I may go give that a rewatch.

Have you watched 1923 season 1? It's pretty damn good.
I just finished the Senna series on Netflix. The first 4-5 episodes made him out to be a pseudo god and Prost the devil, but the last episode brought us back to reality. I'd prefer to see more of his battles for driver safety but time has limitations.
Yellowstone...I thought it ended well, especially given the number of story lines and people to address. Minus the "music video" towards the end, I didn't feel like time was wasted.

My spoiler above turned out to be...75%-ish right.

I've seen reviews complaining about the ending. It wasn't knock your socks off, but it did the deed and considering other series' finales, it was quite solid.
Black Doves on Netflix starring Keira Knightley and Q from James Bond. Spy/ espionage thriller centered around a nationless spy organization, a dead Chinese ambassador, and complicated relationships. The latter usually feed the main story, even if I didn't find them interesting at least they tied into the story.

Decent fight scenes, ridiculous gunfights (duh), a few simple twists and turns, and Season 2 was already announced.

I think it's worth your time, especially during entertainment's slow period of the year. 3.5 out of 5 flashback scenes.

I know you read the series, not much of the plot to pick up from the teaser.

As soon as I saw him fighting the big dude named Paulie, I recognized the story. The season will be based on the book, Persuader, which I think is number seven in the series. I just reread it about a year ago, I have high hopes for this season!
Rewatching Fargo series on Hulu. Never made it into S4 which is getting a little strange, but looking forward to S5.

Every season has it's quirky sci/fi fantasy-ish type scenes, but great winding storylines none the less.

4/5 Bald Eagles
Finished this over the weekend. VERY solid!

I saw this side by side between a scene from the 1973 film and the current series -- a nice tip of the hat:

They remade it because Edward Fox had a cigarette in his mouth and cigarette smoking is not only bad for you but showing it in a movie could trigger uncomfortable feelings about smokers and make you seek a safe space.