My Random TV Thread

Minor complaint is that they have the young Dexter overact some of his more subtle mannerisms (see: the exaggerated smirk as he's walking at the end of the intro), but the casting actually was great and the actor's doing an outstanding job. I know some folks didn't like Christian Slater being cast as his dad, but I think he's doing well, young Batista and Masuka are great (yes, Masuka does the 'thing'), and young Deb is scarily good, from mannerisms to mouth.

You could chalk up the exaggeration as young, excitable Dexter vs. old, seasoned Dexter. I wouldn't be surprised if they played with the lighting or lighting saturation or whatever to make the current series "brighter" than the original to reflect Dexter's change in maturity.

The key toss at the end of the intro is a nice touch and nod to the original, even the behavioral evolution to his morning box of donuts.
You could chalk up the exaggeration as young, excitable Dexter vs. old, seasoned Dexter. I wouldn't be surprised if they played with the lighting or lighting saturation or whatever to make the current series "brighter" than the original to reflect Dexter's change in maturity.
Yeah that's a better way to look at it, and I hadn't even considered the brighter lighting being done on purpose for that. I'm running with both of these takes now! Good eye.
American Primeval. Great banger of a series with a solid ending. I really hope they don't screw it up with a second season.

There were some really dumb parts, but the director is Peter Berg (Lone Survivor) so it wasn't too surprising. Entertaining though, it isn't a documentary.

3.5/4 out of 5 Colt Navy revolvers
Surviving Blackhawk Down on Netflix.

Even though the battle has been beaten to death through shows, documentaries, books, and the movie, this is the first time I've seen in depth commentary from Somalis that lived through it. Several members of Task Force Ranger share their stories also. It's pretty good.

4/5 Challenge coins
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