Navy SEAL Pix


Designated Hoops Sniper!
Jul 25, 2009
Siaton, Neg. Or.
Got the green light to put these up. :)





SEALs in Astan, 2010.
haha wheres the one with the SCAR that You showed me? the one without the helmet on.

The guy who was SLEEPING on the objective, ahahahhaha
I was telling Siatonist earlier; only the SEALs would have a mohawk of gadgets on their helmet.
I was telling Siatonist earlier; only the SEALs would have a mohawk of gadgets on their helmet.

I was leaving an area of Afghanistan where one West Coast Team was replacing another and I knew right then that the down time before deployment was way too long. There were a few guys who had their helmets and rifles painted by some professional. Like they caught Pete the Pirate and asked him to camo their gear. Level 1-10 on looks/ I give an 8. Watching them pull a bagged HVT off a helo with cool camo helmet/rifles a 10.
I wish I had video of these DynCorp guys complaining to HUMINT about how their 50 inch flat screen was missing along with the truck it was sitting in. As I sat there listening I thought to myself, new team, closed compound, opportunity, new transportation at an awesome price of FREE. Yea the Afghan workers did it.
Yea I like to think that some guys made the team room nice with all the amenities of home. Oh and Ravage those Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, Im like Corky from Life Goes On.