Navy SEAL Pix

First photo and second photo is thg Air Force?The third photo is the DEVGRU?
You're proving yourself to be a fucking idiot at the moment. Post an intro per the site rules or I'm guessing that the ban hammer will be coming down on you.
Does anyone else want to know what they're future has in store for them?
I'm going to your Mom's place tonight, do you reckon I'm going to get lucky :p
Serious question though, in that 3rd to last picture, is a TA01 actually going to work on a 10.5 barrel? We had 01 and nsn models on 20" barrel Augs and without fail the nsn models were all off the mark past 100m. I am not a ballistics guru but I know some of you are and can enlighten me.

Aren't these actors from Zero Dark Thirty?
And a company worth joining - some day.

Rav, you know I hafta crack onya....WTF do you know about SEAL Teams/ODA's, or even Polish GROM, except for the pics that you grab from other websites/forums or PS3 H.A.L.O. or Modern Warfare II?

I gave you the fucking GROM commanders email fucking address and you never followed through. You are an E-5 in a Polish Army Reserve unit and completely capable of joining the "community". For fucksake, I even offered to meet you, grip and grin in Belgium, and spoon feed you to the GROM Commander.

I'm not a mod but for fucksake please stop re-posting SEAL/GROM/high speed advice/innuendo from other forums and sign the fucking line.
