Looks like folks liven the adventure to me...Looks like a JTAC or CCT to me.
Looks like folks liven the adventure to me...Looks like a JTAC or CCT to me.
Super like.Post an intro
First photo and second photo is thg Air Force?The third photo is the DEVGRU?
You're proving yourself to be a fucking idiot at the moment. Post an intro per the site rules or I'm guessing that the ban hammer will be coming down on you.First photo and second photo is thg Air Force?The third photo is the DEVGRU?
First photo and second photo is thg Air Force?The third photo is the DEVGRU?
I hope you can give me details about first three picture,could you? thank you very much!
I hope you can give me details about first three picture,could you? thank you very much!
I swear to God I could make a living as a psychic!You're banned. Thank you for playing.
I'm going to your Mom's place tonight, do you reckon I'm going to get luckyDoes anyone else want to know what they're future has in store for them?
Aren't these actors from Zero Dark Thirty?
And a company worth joining - some day.