New 18" upper


FWS18, RR800-1, 75 Prvi Partisan(two 3 shot groups), 600yds:

I needed to put sighters into the berm to get the wind call correct. It was light wind but I kept missing.:confused: Wind call was off about 2mph.

First group is left side impacts, inspected the tgt and shot the second group(centered).


Dude that built this seems to know what he is doing. Guy is located in Colorado, pm if you want his contact information.

*Who is the hater that stole my pic out from the above post:evil:*

FWS18 is back in action w/ another optic:

Black Hills 77gr red box, 5rd strings, prone, bipod, 100-800yds. Checking out some POI results:

Then I gave the 1K a spin.

I put the first five into the nearby berm, trying to figure the correct hold point in the scope and see what my impacts were looking like.
When everything looked ok I sent the first one at the tgt and it looked like a miss off the right hand side:doh:,
held left about 2' more into the wind and sent the next four, all looked good.


Not bad for an 18" barrel, no evidence of a keyhole/destabilization.