GOOD MOVE;I made a post a while back about something that happened to me. I was in civis departing from NYC, I showed my Mil ID to TSA. They made a big fuss. treated me like a hero and rushed me through to the front of the line. Then I refused to go through the scanner and they had to pat me down. Ridiculous.
I think anyone showing Mil ID regardless of if they are wearing uniform or not should be expedited through security.
The TSA Scanners are definitely not safe. There have been no real studies done to the long term effects, so any suggestion that these scanners are safe is an uneducated guess - at best - and more often a bold face lie.
I've read analysis's from MD's and medical researchers who do study the effects of the frequencies and radiations on healthy living tissue and all of these experts agree that the scans simply can not be 'safe'. There is now mounting evidence to support their conclusions;
(1) They TSA has tried to bury reports that increasing numbers of their own people who regularly work close to these scanners have statistically reported a much higher instance of illness and the onset of cancers then their co-workers. TSA is now rotating their people in and out of these positions close to the scanners.
(2) These risks are real enough that the EU has now banned the use of all these scanners in their airports.
So DON'T GET SCANNED. Pardus says he actually looks forward to having his junk played with.