New Member Intro

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I have recently decided to join the service to give back to this great country we call home. Although I'm not quite sure exactly what direction I would like to take in the military; I do know that I would like to be a part of the spec ops community. I have many questions about the military, and I just don't trust recruiters because I feel like they just tell me whatever I want to hear. Having a mom as a teacher and a father as a doctor; I always knew i wanted to be a part of something that gives back to others. But because of not having any family members that have served, I have no one that can fill me in on some of the questions I have. I look forward to conversing with all you great americans that have stuck your neck on the line so my family and I could experience freedom. I also look forward to receiving information on how I can better myself to reach my military goals and finding out more information about different units so I can find out where I fit best.

Thanks for your time and thank you to all that have served for this country. I truly look up to you all and hope to become a part of the family soon.

Welcome to the site. Have you "made the decision to serve," or have you actually signed up?
Welcome to the site. Have you "made the decision to serve," or have you actually signed up?

I have made the decision to serve, yet have not signed with any branch yet. I went to speak to the navy about the swcc program because I'm a huge boat and water guy; I've been on the water boating every summer since I was born, and I'm a very strong swimmer. But I got the creeps from the recruiter. Felt like he was a car sales men trying to get me to buy. It's a huge commitment and after my conversation with him I knew recruiters were not the people to talk to in order to receive creditable information that can actually help me. I also talked to the army because the ranger program intrest me as well, but I got the same vibe from the army recruiter; he was just telling me everything I wanted to hear inorder to get me to sign the ranger contract. All I'm looking for is straight answers from someone that isn't just trying to get there "numbers".
I have made the decision to serve, yet have not signed with any branch yet. I went to speak to the navy about the swcc program because I'm a huge boat and water guy; I've been on the water boating every summer since I was born, and I'm a very strong swimmer. But I got the creeps from the recruiter. Felt like he was a car sales men trying to get me to buy. It's a huge commitment and after my conversation with him I knew recruiters were not the people to talk to in order to receive creditable information that can actually help me. I also talked to the army because the ranger program intrest me as well, but I got the same vibe from the army recruiter; he was just telling me everything I wanted to hear inorder to get me to sign the ranger contract. All I'm looking for is straight answers from someone that isn't just trying to get there "numbers".

Capitalize Army/Navy, Ranger/SWCC, etc. There's plenty of information available on the web/this site. Wikipedia can give you the basics. That's all you should be focusing on. Like all the SOF guys on the site say- focus on the 20m target. Make sure you read everything available before you ask questions because chances are they're already answered on here. Believe me.

For recruiters, don't let them run the convo- you run the convo. Tell them straight up (if you really think they're more like car salesman) to cut the shit and the sweet talking. You want facts- or you'll find a different recruiter.

Capitalize Army/Navy, Ranger/SWCC, etc. There's plenty of information available on the web/this site. Wikipedia can give you the basics. That's all you should be focusing on. Like all the SOF guys on the site say- focus on the 20m target. Make sure you read everything available before you ask questions because chances are they're already answered on here. Believe me.

For recruiters, don't let them run the convo- you run the convo. Tell them straight up (if you really think they're more like car salesman) to cut the shit and the sweet talking. You want facts- or you'll find a different recruiter.

Thanks for the reply. I have read everything that is available for both topics including a couple books. I've also been researching this site for a couple weeks, and if I found the information I needed; I would not be here posting. My questions have to deal more with the lifestyle of each. Like I said I have never had the chance to talk to anyone that is military and before I sign up I'd like to get a couple questions answered. I understand no one likes a nube, especially in the military; but Im not a duche and I won't waste anyones time. I'm just trying to get some straight unbiased answers from military guys that have done what I will attempt.
Thanks for the reply. I have read everything that is available for both topics including a couple books. I've also been researching this site for a couple weeks, and if I found the information I needed; I would not be here posting. My questions have to deal more with the lifestyle of each. Like I said I have never had the chance to talk to anyone that is military and before I sign up I'd like to get a couple questions answered. I understand no one likes a nube, especially in the military; but Im not a duche and I won't waste anyones time. I'm just trying to get some straight unbiased answers from military guys that have done what I will attempt.
Gotcha. I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything my man. Good luck and welcome.
The search button is your friend. Look at the SOF Mentor thread. Be smart, read, read more, read even more, research, then ask questions that are not answered.

Good start so far. Drive on.

Will do. Thanks.
I have made the decision to serve, yet have not signed with any branch yet. I went to speak to the navy about the swcc program because I'm a huge boat and water guy; I've been on the water boating every summer since I was born, and I'm a very strong swimmer. But I got the creeps from the recruiter. Felt like he was a car sales men trying to get me to buy. It's a huge commitment and after my conversation with him I knew recruiters were not the people to talk to in order to receive creditable information that can actually help me. I also talked to the army because the ranger program intrest me as well, but I got the same vibe from the army recruiter; he was just telling me everything I wanted to hear inorder to get me to sign the ranger contract. All I'm looking for is straight answers from someone that isn't just trying to get there "numbers".

Welcome to the site. If you have any questions about SWCC, shoot me a PM and I'll answer what I can. I was just in Coronado for a month, in the pipeline itself for 2 weeks. Good luck with your plans.
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