New Member Intro


Oct 26, 2015
Evening all! First of all, I unfortunately am not nor have I ever been a part of the military. For that, I have tremendous regrets! If I had to do it all over again, I would've pursued it wholeheartedly; so I thank you all for your service. I am grateful for you!

My current field of work allows me to work with former members of the SF community. I found this forum by happenstance and found it intriguing. As I transition into another chapter of my life, some of the questions I have about my career transition can be answered by those in this community. I hope I'm welcomed here and as well hope I can contribute something back!! Thanks!
Thank You! I work for a large fire department in the Los Angeles area. I'm currently assigned to a fusion center as my depatment's intelligence officer. I'm also assigned to our JHAT and assist with teaching our folks TECC (the civilian equivalent of TCCC).

Several firefighters I work with are former SF operators, and serve double duty as tactical medics.