New US Army Basic??

WTF.....will the DI's be required to spoon with the troopers if they have a rough night and are home sick?

Or rub their backs until they fall asleep!!!

Give me a break!!!!
The FOG vet is spot on! The “new ACU soldiers” are not worth a fuck. I have spent more time this last deployment, being questioned and brought in front of my 1SG then prepping my team and leading them. Its to the point that I am looking to seek life else where, Air Guard or USCG reserve. :(
Psst ....what the hell does "FOG vet" mean? I know I have been out a while but that is a new one on me!

Makes me feel like a Cherry asking but WTF!?! ;-)
Psst ....what the hell does "FOG vet" mean? I know I have been out a while but that is a new one on me!

Makes me feel like a Cherry asking but WTF!?! ;-)

Fuck'ing Old Guy! (Like me!)

BTW: I prefer the USMC 'boot camp' style myself!

[ame=""]YouTube - Making a United States Marine The Arrival[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - USMC drill instructor ass chewing.[/ame]
FOG - ha ha! Must be a bit slow today! Thanks!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Isn' t there a STICKY for acronyms. Guess I should have looked! I did google it but got nothing!

LMAO - never thought I would be the Fucking Old Guy at 42!!! I bet Trip you have socks older than me!!!
Fuck'ing Old Guy! (Like me!)

BTW: I prefer the USMC 'boot camp' style myself!

Those video are great.

About 1:13 in check out the recruit being chased in to and out of the barracks. LMFAO.

[ame=""]YouTube - Drill instructors training Marine Recruits at MCRD San Diego[/ame]
Well that crap may go down for some, but there's no way it's in for Infantry OSUT at Benning !
That was probably :mad: Jag Corps or something.
Na, it was Ft. Leonard Wood. In the beginning the caption said Missorui. Had to be Ft. Lost in the woods. I went there for Basic. I was not JAG. I was a Medic.:rolleyes:.
I work with a guy now who went to basic in the early 2000 and he was saying something about stress cards and male/female platoons. WTF.

Na, it was Ft. Leonard Wood. In the beginning the caption said Missorui. Had to be Ft. Lost in the woods. I went there for Basic. I was not JAG. I was a Medic.:rolleyes:.
I work with a guy now who went to basic in the early 2000 and he was saying something about stress cards and male/female platoons. WTF.


I heard about the damn stress card, however i've yet to see one ever. One of my old cheif SSG Thomas is a DS at Ft. Sill, and the last thing he told me was you can't call them privates anymore (It's degrading to the individual) what a load of shit.

Hell AIT is no longer ran at DS at Sill anymore it's Civ. Instructors, and these New soldiers are given more freedom. It seems to me we are more worried about feelings, and not giving these new soldiers the discipline they need.

I Can't recall how many soldiers i have seen come into the unit and either get chaptered out or get confined it's total bullshit. I asked one of my soldiers once about soldiers in a counseling session about his unability to adapt, he replied that he figured that Basic and AIT was so relaxed; so would be the Unit.

I say the way its going we are setting up these soldiers for failure from the beginning. Sorry to say but i hate the thought of wasteing time and money on soldiers how can't flip the bill. Soldiers today are just to damn sensitive......:(