NG SF Training Team Drill


Verified Military
Feb 6, 2018
Hey guys,

So I've got my first drill on the NG SF training team while I wait to get sent down to SFAS.

Anyone have any experience with what these weekends were like? They told us it would be nothing like the SFRE tryout weekend, less about burning us out and more on coaching and preparation. But I'm still unsure what to expect.

Thanks for the insight.
You have a lot to learn, they're getting you ready for SFAS, don't try to G2 the situation, go, learn, drink from the firehose...

Expect to be treated like you are there to learn and get instructions for how to prep yourself for the upcoming party at SFAS... the guys instructing you have been there, passed and gotten the tab, you haven't. Pretty clear, isn't it?