If you ditched the bronze star without combat V, would that go a fair way to fixing the problem in one move?
If you ditched the bronze star without combat V, would that go a fair way to fixing the problem in one move?
The BSM, sans "V" device, is merely a wartime MSM. It's an entirely appropriate decoration for excellence under combat conditions. The BSM can be awarded in combat for merit or for valor (with "V"), just like the ARCOM. That's why there are no Silver Stars or DSCs with "V" devices- they are valor awards in and of themselves. Equitability of awards will always be a problem, because it will always include the human element in the process. The rule I always try to use is level of achievement and level of responsibility, in that order. Also, different units have different cutoffs for awards, it's even worse between the services.
Additionally, unless they've changed things anyone can put anyone else in for an award; if you feel strongly enough that someone deserves it put them in for it. Doesn't mean it'll get approved, but it definitely won't get approved if they're never nominated.
Purple Heart medals: I was hit by a drunk driver. I sustained brain damage, broke my back in 6 places, broke all of the ribs on my right side and the passenger in the car I was in was killed. No, they don't give out awards or medals for that. Your award is surviving.
Purple Heart medals: I was hit by a drunk driver. I sustained brain damage, broke my back in 6 places, broke all of the ribs on my right side and the passenger in the car I was in was killed. No, they don't give out awards or medals for that. Your award is surviving.
X2 I have no idea what that is about. When I initially read it I thought about Jessica Lynch, the HMMWV crash, etc but then I saw the beginning of the post that said "drunk driver".On a personal note, I don't even want to begin to understand how you can equate a car crash with actions in combat...
Your profile says civillian, why would a civillian rate a Purple Heart?Purple Heart medals: I was hit by a drunk driver. I sustained brain damage, broke my back in 6 places, broke all of the ribs on my right side and the passenger in the car I was in was killed. No, they don't give out awards or medals for that. Your award is surviving.
Purple Heart medals: I was hit by a drunk driver. I sustained brain damage, broke my back in 6 places, broke all of the ribs on my right side and the passenger in the car I was in was killed. No, they don't give out awards or medals for that. Your award is surviving.
Way to find a two year old story.
Way to find a two year old story.
Not like the marines or Army awarded BSM's to people who never left the FOB.