Verified Military
Military Athlete's facebooky also posted this yesterday, it was an interesting read: It’s Hard to Tell War Heroes From Paper-Pushers When Everybody Gets So Many Dumb Ribbons
I will point out that before the Civil War officers didn't get medals as they were for enlistedmen. Officers received Brevet promotions that would be confirmed by Congress.
In my experience as an S1 and the S1 prior to me, Officer Awards never went through the CSMs desk, whereas all enlisted awards did and he quite often recommended to the SCO downgrading or called the Troop 1SG. Granted none of these were for valor, but it may have something to do with the system being all fuckered up.
I will point out that before the Civil War officers didn't get medals as they were for enlistedmen. Officers received Brevet promotions that would be confirmed by Congress.
Dusting off an old thread because I saw an email from Mountain Tactical Institute asking if there is a Silver Star bias against junior enlisted troops. They include some data collected from their own research, but the point of the article is more to get the opinions of servicemembers. They chose the Silver Star since it is a combat valor only award, not one that can be awarded for meritorious service. I look forward to seeing the opinions others post. I personally think there is a bias against junior enlisted for a lot of awards, if not all of them.
Is There a Silver Star Award Bias Against Junior Enlisted? - Mountain Tactical Institute
In my experience as an S1 and the S1 prior to me, Officer Awards never went through the CSMs desk, whereas all enlisted awards did and he quite often recommended to the SCO downgrading or called the Troop 1SG. Granted none of these were for valor, but it may have something to do with the system being all fuckered up.
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