Pentagon Bans Rip-It Energy Drink--IKIS

I'll just go ahead and recommend everyone drinks a 8oz. Rip-it with every meal to stay well hydrated. :thumbsup:
I've never drank Rip-It.

Where does it stand when compared to a drink such as Monster?
Monster = ~72mg caffeine ripIt = 1000 mg caffeine so a 3.2 beer to pure grain alcohol level comparison...

Both, caffine and ETOH, impact antidiuretic hormone. It's like a double negative that has you peeing more fluid out than your are taking in. ETOH more so, and is a factor in the hangover headache the next morning. The brain floats around in less CSF, this puts some traction on the Meninges and leaves you with one hell of a headache. It would be interesting to see if the high, and ultra high caffine drinks have a similar headache profile? Something that muddies the water here is the withdrawl headache when you stop the caffine?
How will we survive now! There are months of accumulated time in which the mission was completed and can be directly attributed to this highly cough-medicine-tasting-ultra-caffeinated beverage.
This hurts my feelings, a lot.

Every single night in Iraq (the first time) the air component guys would start the AMB with a "rip it hack".

"Ready for briefs in 3, 2, 1..." then every dude in the room cracked his rip it and we got down to our briefs.

Happy days!

Way too much DADT action there, my brother.....

was this before or after you got your orange manicures?:-o:-o:-o:wall::wall::wall::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

(I'm never getting offered pistachio ice cream again, ever, am I?)

You made that way too easy by the way.... you know that, don't you... I'll make sure to always have a Moose Drool in the fridge for you, in case you decide to drop by and kill me.
Way too much DADT action there, my brother.....

was this before or after you got your orange manicures?:-o:-o:-o:wall::wall::wall::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

(I'm never getting offered pistachio ice cream again, ever, am I?)

You made that way too easy by the way.... you know that, don't you... I'll make sure to always have a Moose Drool in the fridge for you, in case you decide to drop by and kill me.
Why does it always go homosexual with you?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

You are ALWAYS gonna be welcome for ice cream and meat candy at my house, you know that!
Why does it always go homosexual with you?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

You are ALWAYS gonna be welcome for ice cream and meat candy at my house, you know that!

You are welcome to drop by any time... a nice 600m range nearly within walking distance, a brewery within walking distance and a few good restaurants....

I'll even make sure the cooler is stocked with beer and ice since you'll be on vacation... maybe a wee dram of Scotch or Irish or Bourbon... and the Weber is always ready to be fired up for seared animal flesh. Yellowstone is only 2 hrs away at the moment...
Why does it always go homosexual with you?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

You are ALWAYS gonna be welcome for ice cream and meat candy at my house, you know that!

It's soooo hot when you quote Shakespeare.

Wait, what?
It's soooo hot when you quote Shakespeare.

Wait, what?


Your move, PJ...
We have, correction, had, a 16oz. Rip-It vending machine at the shop. The Group Commander ordered us to empty it out and get rid of it. It's sitting, unplugged, waiting for the company to come pick it up. }:-):(
I don't really enjoy Rip-Its, but come on guys. First Surge and Jolt came off the shelves, then they limited the amount of alcohol in Four Loko, and now this???

Modern day prohibition, I won't stand for it. We need to reach out to the presidential candidates and see where they all stand on the matter.