Pentagon Bans Rip-It Energy Drink--IKIS

Once again, the namby-pamby, donkey-choking bedwetters in charge have saved us from ourselves. With the war drawing down who needs Rip-Its? Apparently caffeine and anger have no place in today's military....and that makes me angry. How many are alive today because of the concentration and energy stored in those cans?

This was probably some 1st Cav bullshit that bukkaked all over the rest of the Army. I'm glad I no longer wear a uniform.
Well, yes, cause you were alive when Shakespeare was. I can't help that quoting him reminds you of your youth.
No judgements!
Bullshit; the kid is a lot younger than that. I served with his Father when he was a junior Field Grade officer. Hell when Chris Raines first PM'd me he asked if I remember taking regular hunks out his ass when he was smart ass Spc4.... Keep this shit up and you'll have to listen to me go long form on how the Army started going to hell when we had to turn in our trapdoor Springfields.
Bullshit; the kid is a lot younger than that. I served with his Father when he was a junior Field Grade officer. Hell when Chris Raines first PM'd me he asked if I remember taking regular hunks out his ass when he was smart ass Spc4.... Keep this shit up and you'll have to listen to me go long form on how the Army started going to hell when we had to turn in our trapdoor Springfields.

I bet you still have the loincloth they first issued you for the Battle of Masada .... were you with the Romans or the Israelites?:rolleyes::-"
Once again, the namby-pamby, donkey-choking bedwetters in charge have saved us from ourselves. With the war drawing down who needs Rip-Its?

With the war drawing down, people need something to focus on. This probably all started at the behest of some field grade's Phoenix University-nutrition degree holding hippy wife who decided it was her place to "make a change". So she gets in hubby's ear about how harmful energy drinks are and Rip-It became a convenient target. Next thing ya know, he's briefing it to some general who gets a hard on for it because it's a bullet point for trying to get an extra star down the road, and now here we are. We seriously need some war to flare up again.
I heard they may even try to ban proven and safe supplements like creatine...

God help Otis Spunkmeyer if a dead soldier is ever found with a muffin in his pocket. Those things will come off the shelf faster than fireworks at South of the Border.
God help Otis Spunkmeyer if a dead soldier is ever found with a muffin in his pocket. Those things will come off the shelf faster than fireworks at South of the Border.

Another case of blueberry muffins and the GWOT would be the GWhat. We were THAT close to peace.
This is serious shit ladies and gents. If this kind of fuckary continues the next thing they ban may be beer, hard liquor and not allow loose women in the barracks.

Then you'll have anarchy on your hands.