I think the idea was you only wanted intro's in the first post thread otherwise feel free to move this/have me beat my face for fucking up. I have and I think many of the others have read all the PT threads ad nauseum in order to understand what to do to physically prepare for selection. However I have a question that I think applies to me and the other guys interested in the Army route. With the changes made to the PT test that will be instituted Army wide this fall, what changes would you make if you were one of us wannabes who has yet to enter the pipeline? Do these new tests, especially the combat test, re-ignite the crossfit argument? What about core strength are sit-ups even worth doing anymore?
I asked in this thread because you all know where the new guys to your team are lacking physically as far as functional fitness even if they were fit enough to get in the door and to give us wannabes one concise place to read answers from SOF specific members as oppose to everyone. Like I said feel free to make me bang em out if necessary on the honor code I'll get em done.
I asked in this thread because you all know where the new guys to your team are lacking physically as far as functional fitness even if they were fit enough to get in the door and to give us wannabes one concise place to read answers from SOF specific members as oppose to everyone. Like I said feel free to make me bang em out if necessary on the honor code I'll get em done.