Buddy (Retired AF MAJ) sent me a text that there was a guy talking a bunch of trash at the local bar about his service and trying to get free drinks. My friend thought it didn't make sense, but might be because of differences between AF and Army. Asked me to come down there. So I went down, started the recorder in my pocket and then walked in. My friend was engaging him still, introduced him to me as "former Army" without mentioning my background. I asked him a few questions starting with "Did you serve overseas?" To which he responded that he worked on a classified IT network in Afghanistan that just happened to be the same period that I was doing IT over there... I started digging hard after that. Here are some of the claims this 24 year old made:
Was an original developer on NMAP (
@AWP will laugh at that one)
got out as an E-7 Sergeant Major
Worked for the NSA now doing classified work as a "hacker" (guy at the next table happened to be a vetted retiree of the NSA laughing his a** off)
Started as Infantry with the 24th INF in Utah reclassed into IT
his IT MOS was classified, when pressed it was "34" that's it, just "34"
His unit was "5th Brigade" (no company battalion, BCT or division, even when asked directly)
Did his "induction" in Arizona then went to Texas for his PT's
Needless to say, after about an hour of screwing with the guy and drawing a small crowd, I just called him out on it. He tried to bluff his way through from there for a little bit, but eventually he realized that no one was going to talk to him, let alone buy him a drink, and left. He's never come back even though he lives in the apartments directly behind the bar...