Pre- Workout Shakes

Red Ryder

Dec 22, 2010
Anyone got any good recommendations for pre-workout powder? Currently I am at the gym within a hour of waking up. I've just been eating a banana, drinking a glass of milk and having a little coffee.
I was always a fan of working out in the morning on an empty stomach, it's kind of standard practice in the Army here. We'd always do our morning run/ruck or whatever before breakfast. I'd just have a cup or two of coffee. There's been a few recent articles about the benefits of working out on an empty stomach, here's one I read recently.
Are you asking about pre-WO supplements like beta alanine or nitric oxide?
I usually go with a small bowl of oatmeal (carbs) with fruit or peanut butter.
I wouldn't go too crazy first thing in the morning. Save that for after your workout.
I got a few as for powder pre-workouts. Jack3d and Caze are popular pre-workout supplements. You could go to or your near store GNC to buy these's supps. Also Cellucor C4 is also good but stay away for it if you get drug test because of some of it's ingredients. It tells you even tells you if you read the supplements fact. You should just go on Youtube and put best pre-workout supplements. Also the beta-alanine can bug you as you may feel a burning sensation.
I tried using some of that pre work out shit for a little while, made me feel weaker for some weird reason. I don't touch the stuff.

Besides RackMaster is right, your body should get used to working out before you eat in the mornings.

I got a few as for powder pre-workouts. Jack3d and Caze are popular pre-workout supplements. You could go to or your near store GNC to buy these's supps. Also Cellucor C4 is also good but stay away for it if you get drug test because of some of it's ingredients. It tells you even tells you if you read the supplements fact. You should just go on Youtube and put best pre-workout supplements. Also the beta-alanine can bug you as you may feel a burning sensation.

You are hardly qualified to be given advice on this subject. Particularly in light of your other posts here.
I got a few as for powder pre-workouts. Jack3d and Caze are popular pre-workout supplements. You could go to or your near store GNC to buy these's supps. Also Cellucor C4 is also good but stay away for it if you get drug test because of some of it's ingredients. It tells you even tells you if you read the supplements fact. You should just go on Youtube and put best pre-workout supplements. Also the beta-alanine can bug you as you may feel a burning sensation.
Jack3d, the stuff that was banned by the military at one point?
Good call. :rolleyes:
And I'd like to know what ingredients C4 has in it that would pop on a drug test.
Jack3d, the stuff that was banned by the military at one point?
Good call. :rolleyes:
And I'd like to know what ingredients C4 has in it that would pop on a drug test.
Some pre-workout supplements have caused positive drug test results in the amphetamine category. Shizandrol (the ingredient in JAck3d and some others including C4) is actuallyMethylhexaneamine, a known stimulant and illegal in the professional sports arena and the miliary.
C4 tells you on the label in the Suggested Use section where it says Important Disclosure down below

Some pre-workout supplements have caused positive drug test results in the amphetamine category. Shizandrol (the ingredient in JAck3d and some others including C4) is actuallyMethylhexaneamine, a known stimulant and illegal in the professional sports arena and the miliary.

LOL, I'm almost certain they were selling C4 at the PX on KAF...
LOL, I'm almost certain they were selling C4 at the PX on KAF...
Oh yea. I used to do a job that focused on human performance, and the base GNC had something like 20 products that could possibly set off a drug screening. It was pretty staggering. The DHSEA of 1994 states that all you have to do is throw the ole FDA exemption statement, and that company does not have to be genuine with what is actually contained therein. Caveat Emptor.
I got a question. Lets say I'm taking this C4 or Jack3d and i stop using it for 3 days cause im going to MEPS, i know in MEPS i'll have to take a drug test so how long would it stay in my system? Example weed stays in for a month or in 30 days so how long would that ingredient be in me?
I got a question. Lets say I'm taking this C4 or Jack3d and i stop using it for 3 days cause im going to MEPS, i know in MEPS i'll have to take a drug test so how long would it stay in my system? Example weed stays in for a month or in 30 days so how long would that ingredient be in me?

I have no idea but you should stop taking that shit like right now. Because if you test hot on a drug test you will be walking OUT of MEPS.
OK, I'm going to give in one last time.
This is not the kind of information intended to be exchanged in this forum. IMHO, you should have stopped blathering on after pardus nudged you in that direction. You've obviously done no research on any of this. Look at the threads that get the best responses. They usually start with, "Hey, I've looked into/researched ABC already and I found 123 here, here and here (list of sites where info has already been gleaned). I'm trying to find some extra information to back this up and I'd appreciate some input."
"Does bodybuilding help with USMC boot camp" and "Should I stop taking C4 and Jack3d before going to MEPS" are going to get you the wrong kind of attention.
Personally, I think you should take every supplement you can swallow. All of them. All of the time. Empty stomach, full stomach, it doesn't matter. Chug, chug, chug!

Then when you're at MEPS or maybe Basic or if you make it as far as a SOF course and are near death or failing tests because of the crutch you came to depend upon, then you can reach down deep inside and find out what kind of man you are.

PT in the military is typically done on an empty stomach, so you might as well become accustomed to the feeling.
To expound upon my post above:

I take supplements, protein powder and amino acids. I tried creatine and just didn't see anything from it considering the more negative attributes associated with it. I'm 39 and not prepping for anything.

We had a member here, many, many moons ago, who shall not be named, but his advocation of supplements was extreme. Stupid extreme. He once published an article, cleverly disguised as a post here, about his recommended supplement use for anyone in uniform. Rough calculations by myself and others here showed your monthly cost to be in the vicinity of $250 and would occupy most of a foot locker. For obvious reasons, his ideas are impractical, yet...people buy into it.

If you search the web you'll see papers written on the use of "supplements" in the military and special operations. When most of us think "supplements" we're probably thinking of protein, amino acids, and the like, however products like Gatorade are also considered a supplement. So, if you were to find any of these papers, be wary of what you're reading (read the fine print, not the summary). All of that lead me to a post found in the prep section of this board on the use of supplements in SOF courses. I can sum it up for you: none are allowed and in the few cases where they are, their use is tightly controlled.

It is against that backdrop in which I made my comments.

Lastly, the "crutch" part. How many of you reading this, and I address this to the entire board, would take supplements right up until they ship for Basic? How many of you would eat this or that, ingest this powder or that liquid, before beginning a workout or going on a run? If you aren't allowing those supplements to leave your body, whatever their half-life is, then you aren't going to know how your body performs and recovers without them. Additionally, even in Basic, AIT, and jump school (the first few courses in the Army for going the SOF route), your access to food is restricted and you aren't going to PT with your daily banana, prep powder, vitamins, or anything. You wake up and you go PT.

I'm not saying "Don't take supplements", far from it, but be smart about it guys and gals. You need to know what your body can do without them and if the supplement is even close to a banned substance?

Well, "you pays your money and you takes your chances."

Good luck.
To further expound on what Free said above, I read some good advice from the SOFWOD cadre last week. It amounted to this: we advocate a healthy diet, but once you get to basic and/or your selection pipeline, most of your food will be processed. Start incorporating some of this processed food back in to your diet a month or so before shipping out so your body doesn't totally freak out when you get there.
I'd go into what kind of things are allowed and not allowed in the pipeline I was in, but I'm pretty sure that's been covered in depth elsewhere.