Presidential Debate, Part 3

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Red Flag 1

Verified Military
Sep 28, 2010
How many plan on watching this last thrashing?

I'm not too sure I'll be spend much time watching this one. It depends on the Moderator and if it is just more of the same, it will feel like wasted time.
I am. I have to watch no matter how painful it may seem. I still don't know who I am going to vote for.
Not watching. There is absolutely no point at this juncture except sick pleasure.

Will certainly watch the SNL version, though. Alec Baldwin is what Donnie would be like if he were undergoing Narco Analysis, IMO.
I am. I have to watch no matter how painful it may seem. I still don't know who I am going to vote for.

I've suggested to my kids to disregard the candidates themselves and vote for the party that closely aligns to their political philosophy: freedoms and responsibility (decisions, fiscal, etc) determined by individuals or groups.
I've suggested to my kids to disregard the candidates themselves and vote for the party that closely aligns to their political philosophy: freedoms and responsibility (decisions, fiscal, etc) determined by individuals or groups.

That is a good way to go.

Just write in "Yoda". SS will quietly take over and they'll never know what hit them:sneaky:. We'll figure out the @pardus thing later:rolleyes::-".

At this point I might do that.

I can't watch it. I am no masochist.

I'll catch the highlights... I imagine it will probably be a trainwreck.
At this point, the worst thing that could happen is a boring, policy-heavy debate ala the VP debate. I want this to be a UFC match: how do Hillary's bjj skills stack up against Trump's standup game? Donnie is gonna try for the email scandal double-leg, and if it fails he'll transition to the Bill rapist single-leg. Hillary's been working her sprawl so we'll see if she can stuff those attempts.
At this point, the worst thing that could happen is a boring, policy-heavy debate ala the VP debate. I want this to be a UFC match: how do Hillary's bjj skills stack up against Trump's standup game? Donnie is gonna try for the email scandal double-leg, and if it fails he'll transition to the Bill rapist single-leg. Hillary's been working her sprawl so we'll see if she can stuff those attempts.

Jesus, I can't unsee that.

Hilly...sprawl :ack:
I kind-a liked Trump's pre debate urine drug screen idea. A lot of jobs out there have a standing policy about random UDS; why not the candidates for POTUS.
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