R Lee Ermy dead

So quite a while back I went in to a local store to buy a Springfield Armory product. So during the check out of said product which I was told was new I noticed evidence of used. I asked the guy behind the counter I said hey did you say this was new? He said yeah but will wait a minute maybe not. He went in the back room and found out that it had been used and I said I’ll take it anyways. So when he brought up the item and the case I started looking at the case and noticed this signature with a sharpie in the left hand corner of the case. Lo and behold it was R. Lee Ermey. He had played with my toy. He used to come into the store on occasion and did benefits with certain products and then signs them with his signature. So now I have something the Gunny actually used in my collection. Semper Fi Gunny. See you in Valhalla!
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Video evidence Gunney is already ridding the world of after life scumbags...