Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)

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Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)

Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) begins when the Ranger Liaison picks up the Ranger candidates immediately after graduation from Airborne School to begin the program.

The purpose of these programs is to ensure each candidate meets or exceeds the Regimental Standards for mental aptitude, moral character, and physical fitness, while also training the candidates on the skills required for service in the Regiment. The Ranger Assessment and Selection Programs screen the candidates to ensure only the best Soldiers are selected for service in the Regiment. For junior enlisted Soldiers, they will attend an eight-week program upon the completion of Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training, and Airborne School. The Ranger Assessment and Selection Program that the junior enlisted Soldiers attend is separated into two phases. The first phase is four weeks long and assesses the candidate's physical fitness, mental toughness, and mental aptitude while training the Soldier on Ranger Combat Skills. The second phase is more specialized and trains the candidate on advanced marksmanship techniques, advanced demolitions and breaching, and combat driving skills. For Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers, they attend a three-week program of instruction, which tests their physical fitness, mental aptitude, mental toughness, and leadership abilities. The program trains these candidates on Special Operations skills in order to prepare them for service within the Ranger Regiment. Upon graduation of these two programs, these Rangers are assigned to one of the four Ranger Battalions. Although the U.S. Army Ranger School is not directly affiliated with the 75th Ranger Regiment, most Rangers will attend Ranger School within their first two years in the Ranger Regiment.


  • Daily Physical Training
  • Ranger History Test
  • Map Reading
  • APFT
  • Airborne Operation
  • Ranger Standards
  • Day and night land navigation
  • 5-mile run
  • Combatives
  • Knots
  • Combat Water Survival Test
  • 6, 8 and 10-mile road marches
  • Driver Training (DDC Card)
  • Fast Rope Training
  • Ranger First Responder certification (Advanced Combat Lifesaver training)
I didn't see this posted any where. Could someone please make this a sticky?

It's no longer called RIP.
Sure thing. Fucking GAY. The name RIP alone struck fear into the hearts of quitters. :D
It may sound gay, but it's now 8 weeks long.

Would that make it the longest selection process in SOF? By the way it reads it’s the 4-week RIP course with a 4 week added train up. I am sure they will be eye balling Joe’s through the whole process, that’s 8 weeks under the microscope.

OSUT 14 weeks
BAC 3 weeks
RASP 8 weeks
Pre Ranger 2 weeks
Ranger School 9+ weeks

36 weeks total
Would that make it the longest selection process in SOF? By the way it reads it’s the 4-week RIP course with a 4 week added train up. I am sure they will be eye balling Joe’s through the whole process, that’s 8 weeks under the microscope.

OSUT 14 weeks
BAC 3 weeks
RASP 8 weeks
Pre Ranger 2 weeks
Ranger School 9+ weeks

36 weeks total

Based on what Looon posted, Ranger School is not part of the selection process...
The goal of RASP is to produce Tabs in battalion prior to them even showing up. So therefore, for some graduates, (that number will increase over time) will go straight to school. Provided they're passing the 90% Battalion PT standard.
As a non Ranger I have a question. Is it vital for members of the Ranger Bn to attend Ranger school as it seems (from someone who hasn't attended) to be more of a command course on steroids than an individual skills course.
Would that make it the longest selection process in SOF? By the way it reads it’s the 4-week RIP course with a 4 week added train up. I am sure they will be eye balling Joe’s through the whole process, that’s 8 weeks under the microscope.

OSUT 14 weeks
BAC 3 weeks
RASP 8 weeks
Pre Ranger 2 weeks
Ranger School 9+ weeks

36 weeks total

I can't think of any SOF units that don't send their people to the BAC and everyone in the military goes to boot camp so you really can't count BAC and OSUT. I know it takes forever to get through the Q course, depending on your MOS. PJs and CCTs also have a really long pipeline. BUD/s plus SQT is about nine months. I know there is a pre BUD/s of some sort as well but I don't know how long it is.
Brit Paras approx 26 weeks

Royal Marines approx 30 weeks

To become the bottom of the shit heap.

My first Army was 20 weeks to become a PV in regular Infantry, it's 22 weeks now.

As a non Ranger I have a question. Is it vital for members of the Ranger Bn to attend Ranger school as it seems (from someone who hasn't attended) to be more of a command course on steroids than an individual skills course.

Regiment views it as a leadership/gut check, a sort of "right of passage" (which never made sense to me). It is really good for getting the fundamentals of patrolling down, as well as becoming one with nature lol. While there are many good aspects to the course, there is (or was, I don't know how it is now) unfortunately also a lot of luck involved too.
Exactly. One of my recycles was due to one of my squad leaders putting out a claymore facing the patrol base. :rolleyes: If someone in your platoon/squad/team isn't pulling their weight, you are screwed.

For anyone going to school, toss some lum tape on the back of those f'ers and make the SL's charge them up in front of you before they send the claymore teams out. then you CAN check from inside the PB that they're facing the right direction.

For anyone going to school, toss some lum tape on the back of those f'ers and make the SL's charge them up in front of you before they send the claymore teams out. then you CAN check from inside the PB that they're facing the right direction.

That depends on whether you like your team mates... it does say "Front Towards Enemy" --- just sayin', y'know?
Straight through baby ;) Watch out for sleepy Ranger too though... Bastr'dll get you every time. Coming from the regular army your life will be a lot better if you go to school first. Think about how most people will join, do a deployment (15 months to a year) spend time as a team leader and maybe even go to board before they even THINK about coming to battalion. If you show up as a specialist you're a private. If you show up as a SGT you're a PV5. Get your tab and then go. TRUST me, it'll be worth it. But saying that, just because you've been to school doesn't mean you know shit. So don't show up acting like you know everything. Learn. And keep your mouth shut unless you know beyond any doubt what you have to say or think is worth a damn.

Sorry for the rant haha.
Yeah I was talking about the "8 week RASP" being a long selection process, I was under the understanding that was pretty long for a selection course.... The add up of the training was just pointing out that the pipe line would now be 36 weeks for Rangers just for their basic stuff. Having never been to any selections, I would say anything would be a long time for me. :evil: