Ranger School Question..


Verified SOF
Aug 18, 2007
San Antonio Texas
Curious, Friend should be leaving for Benning in Feb. He is with a Stryker unit, but had 4 years with an Airborne Bde. Will he be allowed to jump at Ranger School?
Curious, Friend should be leaving for Benning in Feb. He is with a Stryker unit, but had 4 years with an Airborne Bde. Will he be allowed to jump at Ranger School?

Ranger Smoothie is correct in that not all students are Airborne qualified. If your buddy has been in a Stryker unit for a while the issue may be that althought he is qualified he likely is no longer "current." Meaning that if you don't jump with a certain amount of army-dictacted-frequency you have to do a short refresher before they let you hook up and go. I can't recall if they provide a refresher in the pre-jump phases at Ranger school to those students that are not current. It wouldn't surprise me either way. On one hand (as long as things haven't changed since I was in) it doesn't take very long to complete the refresher. On the other hand, Ranger school is pretty busy at it is, so there may not be enough time to squeeze it in.
If you are a graduate of the Airborne Course, and have orders awarding the Parachutist Badge, and a copy of the school certificate, have them in your possession when you in process. Doesn't matter if you're not currently on Jump Status or not. BAR is usually held Day 5 during RAP week.
If you are a graduate of the Airborne Course, and have orders awarding the Parachutist Badge, and a copy of the school certificate, have them in your possession when you in process. Doesn't matter if you're not currently on Jump Status or not. BAR is usually held Day 5 during RAP week.

He might be better off not jumping at all. Too many guys in my class got hurt jumping (one guy broke his ankle).