Religion in the SEAL Teams


Nov 13, 2020
Hi, I’m a member of JOYOFSATAN and I’m training to become a US Navy SEAL.

Is it okay to openly be a Satanist in the SEAL pipeline? What’s the religious makeup of the SEAL Teams?
Hi, I’m a member of JOYOFSATAN and I’m training to become a US Navy SEAL.

Is it okay to openly be a Satanist in the SEAL pipeline? What’s the religious makeup of the SEAL Teams?
This is a really interesting question. If I can offer; just replace satanist with every single other religion or ideology, and see if your answer changes. I don't think it does. The teams are not made up of religions; they're representative of the American culture and are made up of individuals that are able to complete training to the immutably high standard Naval Special Warfare Command expects.

This might come as a surprise; but in Special Operations, I don't require you to agree with me about everything, nor do I even expect you to *tell* me everything about you. I can assure you- 90% of the people I work with (and more than that here on the board) have no clue what my ideological positions are, especially if they haven't asked me directly.

Bottom Line- if you don't make it an issue, it's not an issue. My advice would be to spend the time you wasted thinking about this issue and focus your time on training for BUD/S. Statistically, you're a failure until proven otherwise.

Train hard.
Hi, I’m a member of JOYOFSATAN and I’m training to become a US Navy SEAL.

Is it okay to openly be a Satanist in the SEAL pipeline? What’s the religious makeup of the SEAL Teams?

Yes. They allow you to sacrifice a goat but only under the laws of santeriera. Drinking blood is outlawed though.
The question itself is just meant to draw attention to the user. Hey look at me I’m a Satanist and here’s a link to my Satanist church. It conjures the image of a female SEAL candidate drawing hexagrams and performing Satanic rituals on the beach at Coronado…as it was meant to. It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of military training.

Is there freedom of worship in the US Military? That’s a legitimate question.

For now, I’m chalking this thread experience into the category of dumb summer vacation posts.
I’m still not sure what’s getting everyone fired up. If it’s a sincere question and the OP is really a female wannabe with an eclectic taste in faith, more power to her.

Im leaning more towards someone with an atypical brain is posting and just asking odd shit. Again no harm no foul.

If it is a troll account, my second most likely answer, then you’re all just feeding into it. If you don’t like the post or content, just ignore it. It’s the internet. It’s not real.
I don’t think she’s a troll. But I think the question was disingenuous. If she’s serious I hope she can come back here and say she either made it or gave it everything she had. Then I’ll draw a few hexagrams myself.

But I do have a question. Can you be selected into the SEAL pipeline prior to enlistment in the Navy? I thought, probably mistakenly, that you had to have two years USN active duty prior to getting a chance.
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But I do have a question. Can you be selected into the SEAL pipeline prior to enlistment in the Navy? I thought, probably mistakenly, that you had to have two years USN active duty prior to getting a chance.
That changed some time ago. Now they can go in under the Warrior Challenge contract. I imagine it helps the Navy, they might pull in a few studs, but most likely wash out and get sent out to the fleet under “needs of the Navy”
I don’t think she’s a troll. But I think the question was disingenuous. If she’s serious I hope she can come back here and say she either made it or gave it everything she had. Then I’ll draw a few hexagrams myself.

But I do have a question. Can you be selected into the SEAL pipeline prior to enlistment in the Navy? I thought, probably mistakenly, that you had to have two years USN active duty prior to getting a chance.

Per @Ooh-Rah , yes, you can get a contract; similar to what the Army does with 18X. You make it, you are good. You don't make it, to the fleet you go. The Navy also has a SOIDC contract, too, to go to boot-HM 'A' school-FMSS-pipeline.

I am an introvert by nature, I don't think I ever shared with anyone much about me unless I was asked; in which case, I will share anything. I really don't care what religion people are so long as they can do the job.
I could’ve looked that up myself but knew if I gave it time someone would look it up for me. 👹

Thread hijack: Now they have special divisions (think big-ass companies) at boot camp for people coming in on SO/SW contracts, so you are all together. Special PT, special pre-A&S type training. Then after boot, there is a NSW prep school at Great Lakes to further prepare you. It's a well-oiled machine.

When I went in there were also NSW contracts and other 'special' contracts (I entered under one), but you were in regular companies, and got up at 0300 for swimming and extra PT to build you up. When you graduated boot, off you went to BUDS or wherever.
I really don't care what religion people are so long as they can do the job.

Well, that’s what I’m saying. Your color, your religion, your sexual orientation etc etc means nothing unless it prevents you from doing the job. And all of that should be irrelevant unless you plan to make a political statement about your uniqueness… which in any case has no place on a team during duty hours.
Thread hijack: Now they have special divisions (think big-ass companies) at boot camp for people coming in on SO/SW contracts, so you are all together. Special PT, special pre-A&S type training. Then after boot, there is a NSW prep school at Great Lakes to further prepare you. It's a well-oiled machine.

When I went in there were also NSW contracts and other 'special' contracts (I entered under one), but you were in regular companies, and got up at 0300 for swimming and extra PT to build you up. When you graduated boot, off you went to BUDS or wherever.
800 divisions (the divisions for Naval Special Warfare candidates) were removed from Navy boot camp and BUD/S Preparatory School moved to San Diego.
800 divisions (the divisions for Naval Special Warfare candidates) were removed from Navy boot camp and BUD/S Preparatory School moved to San Diego.

So SO/SW contractees do not go to Great Lakes at all? Or do they go to Great lakes for boot, then San Diego for prep? Edited to add, I did not know it changed (obvy). I get that the prep school moved, but think it's a bad idea to remove the special divisions.
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So SO/SW contractees do not go to Great Lakes at all? Or do they go to Great lakes for boot, then San Diego for prep? Edited to add, I did not know it changed (obvy). I get that the prep school moved, but think it's a bad idea to remove the special divisions.
According to what the verified SEALs and Navy recruiters say on r/newtothenavy and r/navyseals subreddit, they go to Navy boot camp in Great Lakes then they go to BUD/S Prep in San Diego.

I go to those subreddits for the latest info since hasn’t been updated for years. I emailed the SEALSWCC Scout Team about this and they confirmed it.

Stew Smith (former SEAL officer) recently said on his podcast that when people show up to BUD/S Prep, they have to take the SEAL PST and they can’t pass it because they got out of shape in boot camp so they get dropped from the pipeline. This is apparently happening to hundreds of people.
According to what the verified SEALs and Navy recruiters say on r/newtothenavy and r/navyseals subreddit, they go to Navy boot camp in Great Lakes then they go to BUD/S Prep in San Diego.

I go to those subreddits for the latest info since hasn’t been updated for years. I emailed the SEALSWCC Scout Team about this and they confirmed it.

Stew Smith (former SEAL officer) recently said on his podcast that when people show up to BUD/S Prep, they have to take the SEAL PST and they can’t pass it because they got out of shape in boot camp so they get dropped from the pipeline. This is apparently happening to hundreds of people.

Okay. Yeah, I know Stew. Not well, but we've chatted.

Interesting about how many people are failing the PST given us the whole reason they went to the special divisions to begin with. When I was at Great lakes a million years ago We didn't have special divisions, and we would get up at 0300 for extra PT and swimming, did not seem like a whole lot of people failed the PST.

It is very very very easy to get out of shape at boot camp, especially winter classes because you just don't PT that much.
Hold on, this is madness.

The Navy took any form of SO prep out of recruit training and moved it to the NSW school house. Your workouts in recruit training aren’t close to what is needed to pass the indoc off the bus PT test at prep school.

So you fail out of the prep course because you weren’t prepared for the PREP course?

The Navy fires ship captains at the drop of a hat, but made that abortion an actual policy?

Hold on, this is madness.

The Navy took any form of SO prep out of recruit training and moved it to the NSW school house. Your workouts in recruit training aren’t close to what is needed to pass the indoc off the bus PT test at prep school.

So you fail out of the prep course because you weren’t prepared for the PREP course?

The Navy fires ship captains at the drop of a hat, but made that abortion an actual policy?


That's the Navy for ya 😏

I remember when they stood up the prep school at Great Lakes, the theory being that so many people were going to BUDS unprepared and failing. Hell, who would not benefit regardless of their rating by 24/7 human performance optimization, physical training, and working with trainers, physical therapists, and sports nutritionists.

So tell me again how it makes sense to move that school away from Great Lakes and get rid of the divisions that have NSW/SO specific physical training, and expect better outcomes on the PST?
Hold on, this is madness.

The Navy took any form of SO prep out of recruit training and moved it to the NSW school house. Your workouts in recruit training aren’t close to what is needed to pass the indoc off the bus PT test at prep school.

So you fail out of the prep course because you weren’t prepared for the PREP course?

The Navy fires ship captains at the drop of a hat, but made that abortion an actual policy?

*The 18X-ray program has entered the chat*