Requesting Verification


Mar 6, 2022
Chicagoland area
Good Morning Gentleman,

I have a friend back home who's coworker is making claims about having been a Ranger, having deployed and seen horrific combat etc - which if it's true, good on him and thank you for your service, no bullshit. But the problem is that he's making an ass out of himself in public while stating these claims and it's happened on more than one occassion. Now, I've not met this gentleman but my best friend that works with him and a few other acquaintances have stated that something just doesn't seem right with his story.

I have his name and years of service but not much else to his story - I was wondering if I might be able to DM someone for a check to see if he ever finished RASP or Ranger school?

Don't know how to check that but think of it this way. Any paramedic that has served in the hood, seen bad shit is usually stoic, quiet about it, takes the lessons they learned and keeps working, right?
In regards to this guy, maybe he was, maybe not but for the majority of cats I knew/know, who I served with in the 82nd (I'm not a Ranger), we don't talk about it. Most dudes don't.

That said, there's always one that needs attention. Who knows. I've seen my share of posers, they usually out themselves. Can't keep the lies up.

That said, I'm sure a real Ranger will be here soon.
The Ranger community isn't really that large. Have your coworker ask him what unit and where all he went with them. Ask what class number and what years he was in the Army. Be surprised how many posers don't know that the class number will fit in the timeframe they claim to have served. Ask if he ever visited the Darby Queen downtown. Rangers on here know the answer to that. It is easy to know if someone is real or a poser.
Ask if he ever visited the Darby Queen downtown.
Damn, what was her name...?

But on a serious note, have you checked Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media sites for groups that make verifying folks a mission...? I can speak for several SF sites, but as I am only a tab-wearer, I'm not that involved with the Ranger community.
Many of us are members of other sites that can better verify this and would be glad to refer you, but you would have to have more than name and dates of service. Get all the info you can and then PM one of us.
I PM'd @Jourdan85 , have not heard back. I am about as far from being a Ranger in regiment as I am from being a Ranger with the forest service, but I do have a hook who can get the info quickly.
Ranger community is small. I tend to ask which Bn they were with and what years. If I know someone that was in the same time, I'll verify through that. Being in other Ranger social media circles that have vetted members are a good place, too, if you know someone who's in it. If it's a time I was in with the person in question, I'd ask who his squad leader was or who their SGM was. Even asking something as basic as what their address was can usually indicate something otherwise. I try to keep things as simple for me as possible. < 1 >