Verified Military
Okay, I am going to put this out here.
1. Today I signed up for Goruck TNT. Downloaded the apps.
Question; Anyone else here use this? It seems like a solid program. So am curious about anyone's evaluation of it.
2. This is a big step for me. As I am not normally a very social creature outside of the veteran community.
Thanks for your feedback
ETA: I saved the 1000X program and, will start the standard program tomorrow.
I am not sure about their TNT. I have done a handful of Goruck events, a few years ago. Initially they were designed to give civilians just a wee taste of what an A&S might look like, carry heavy things far with a team with a lot of teamwork exercises along the way. has a rucking program as well, as well as a metric crop ton of other fitness programs which are ramped. I have their sandbag and plate carrier / weight vest program.