Viktor hitting the talk show circuit in Moscow. 
Viktor Bout says he is dazzled by changes in Moscow over long years of US captivity

Viktor Bout says he is dazzled by changes in Moscow over long years of US captivity
“Hearing the national anthem, it definitely hit different,” Griner said. “It’s like when you go for the Olympics, you’re sitting there, about to get gold put on your neck, the flags are going up and the anthem is playing, it just hits different. … Being here today … it means a lot.”
Is that a difference without distinction?By terrorists - are we talking about radical extremists that publicly act in defiance of common standards of decency while intentionality striking fear and panic into the public - purely to achieve a desired ideological outcome?
Or are we talking about the Iranians?
Asking for a friend.
That was back in the good old days. It's a brave new world...For a country that supposedly doesn’t negotiate with terrorists… We sure do a lot of negotiating with terrorists.
Aldus Huxley was man before his time.…brave new world...
The USG will roll YOU up for misinformation before they offend an enemy of the American people…Too bad we don't have the balls to capture their people…
At this point Kirby needs to self select...he's really shown his ass from day 1 at the NSC, at the DoD he was the only competent looking one...Our government continues to make killer prisoner exchanges (this one on 9/11, nonetheless)...