Here is a pic of them...not S&W .40CAL-I had that with me at the time.
If any one can guide me to a replacement I would be very grateful. :2c:
What ever you get will be better then that SnW Sigma, including the new Snw MnP line, or Glock, or HK, etc. I'm a 1911 guy personally. Lots of good wheel guns out there to replace what you lost, like Snw 686 and other models.
Two, not only have you lost a collection, you now have guns in circulation that may end of killing someone at worst, used in a crime at least.
Personally, I don't think anyone should own guns minus a way to store them securely.* For the fraction of the cost of your collection and lap tops, etc, a good safe** would have prevented that. Or, it would have made it a damn bit harder for them to get the stuff at least. Lap tops, etc could also have been saved....***
Invest in a good "safe" FIRST, then start re stocking your collection.****
* Though I am not in favor of mandatory laws that force it on people.
** Most of what is sold as a "safe" is not BTW, they are RSCs
*** Relying on a safe alone is a mistake. Truly effective home security is layered, and involves properly installed locks, etc, as well as an alarm system, which costs very little these days, especially when you factor in what it costs to replace a collection, etc.
**** Best of the RSCs is the AMSEC BF Series, which properly bolted down, will prevent theft from all but the most experienced and prepared thieves, but the real issue is time. Less for them, the better.