Serena loses to Naomi Osaka at the US Open....and is a poor loser

I just saw this a few moments ago and am the first to admit that I don’t understand the game of Tennis very well, but I do know a pampered athlete who expects preferred treatment when I see one. (See also nearly any NBA superstar who does not get traveling called on him)
Some will say she was only being passionate about the game.

And others will say (Like me) that she just became the "Kyle Busch" of tennis.

Both have the talent, skill and will to win along with the track record to prove it.

In the end, it's those moments when you come up short, how you handle it and how you display it and yourself to the world, that you will be most remembered for.
Here was her final hit....for those of you who watch/care about tennis, anything to this?

“To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.”
Dude. She played the woman card.

Wasn’t there talk about calling her literally the best athlete ever? Like a week ago?

You can’t play any card and be the GOAT. You’re just the GOAT. What an insane claim to make.
Here was her final hit....for those of you who watch/care about tennis, anything to this?

“To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.”

I haven't watched tennis in a few years but as far as I know the men she's implying have said things or potentially thrown temper tantrums still lost and not because they were docked points or they still came close to winning yet still lost. Serena on the other hand got BODIED and even without the penalties she still would have been BODIED. Also, if you look at the video of the hand gestures the coach was making she was clearly recieving coaching and they got caught.

As @amlove21 said, you can't be the GOAT by making excuses, you simply are. Hence why Jordan and LeBron are basically tied for the status, they just do.
Had this gem pop up on my news feed. WSJ essentially saying the umpire (ref?) wasnt going to allow a woman to talk to him like that and that its his fault she lost. Isnt behind a paywall for me, but Ill still try to find a better link. Just.....I dont have enough energy to fight this one. Too tired to be outraged at the outrage.
At U.S. Open, power of Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka is overshadowed by an umpire’s power play

ETA the link Kraut posted got updated with her coach admitting that he was in fact coaching her from the stands. But in his opinion its ok since "everyone does it." The inital coaching penalty was the beginning of the cascade for Serena Williams.
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"We did something we knew was wrong, but shouldn't be punished for it because everyone does the same thing."

In other news, the Patriots hired a new coach today...
She's up in arms about all of this... Yet her coach admitted he was coaching from the box?

"I HAVE A DAUGHTER!" was just randomly thrown into her initial rant because fuck it, why not I suppose?

She has form for these kind of tantrums, she's done it before. What it really boils down to is that she's a fucking terrible loser and is merely trying to deflect from her own poor performance.
Incidents like this are reasons people are starting to not take allegations of racism and sexism seriously anymore.
I am just glad she was able to throw out the woman card while playing against a skinny Asian woman.
The mom card - now THAT is a new angle - I haven't seen the mom card used before.
I am just glad she was able to throw out the woman card while playing against a skinny Asian woman.
The mom card - now THAT is a new angle - I haven't seen the mom card used before.

She's a visionary!
Had this gem pop up on my news feed. WSJ essentially saying the umpire (ref?) wasnt going to allow a woman to talk to him like that and that its his fault she lost.

The best part is the example the use where he let Nadal slide making comments, but also mentions Nadal only had a single penalty, not two, and didn't insult the ump.
I am getting to where I can hardly stand her at all now!

In fact, I am quickly getting to where she disgusts me simply by thinking of her pathetic self!

For woe is me for even thinking about her....
I am getting to where I can hardly stand her at all now!

In fact, I am quickly getting to where she disgusts me simply by thinking of her pathetic self!

For woe is me for even thinking about her....
“One should never use exclamation points in writing. It is like laughing at your own joke”- Mark Twain.