Serena loses to Naomi Osaka at the US Open....and is a poor loser

I don’t know. Cartoons are supposed to be a parody, he was not kind to Serena though.
What I can't deal with is the virtue signaling of all the male tennis players whom are trying to be woke. This umpire has given Nadal infractions. He's got a reputation for a quick whistle. The difference here is Nadal stopped with the one code violation, Serena broke her racket and then called him a thief. She's a brat. Sports Media out there not calling her out is a bit annoying.

Dylan Hartley received an 11-Week ban for calling Wayne Barnes a cheat in a match. Her lack of respect for officials is idiotic.
@Ooh-Rah's title captured it. She is poor loser. Period.

Attempts to frame this as anything else (ie. sexism, racism, etc) are asinine. Nothing wrong with the cartoon either. She threw a bitch fit and broke stuff. The cartoon captures that perfectly. What's worse is Serena has stolen Osaka's moment through her antics. So, fuck her. I see stories like this and it just reinforces my belief that our society has lost all personal accountability. :thumbsdown:
I wonder what that looks like when you weigh it for the volume of tennis Men play v Women, 5 set games v 3 set games?

I was wondering the same thing. Raw numbers almost never accurately reflect the circumstances.
At the end of the day, she wasn't penalized for calling the ump a thief; she was penalized for repeatedly talking shit to him.