Gentlemen and Ladies...your thoughts?
Gentlemen and Ladies...your thoughts?
Sacolick is working to reestablish Special Operations Coordination Cells in every corps and division so commanders can better use their Green Berets for missions interacting with local security forces, instead of seeing them simply as assault forces for difficult takedowns.
The Army and SF will never get along. Water's wet, sky's blue, Army hates and distrusts SF.
... As to the other portions of the article regarding areas of responsibility and maintaining leadership in other geographical areas and what not, I have not a fucking clue. I would think they would want to focus on the current war we are in other then some other country we are not, but that’s way out of my lane and knowledge...
...As to the other portions of the article regarding areas of responsibility and maintaining leadership in other geographical areas and what not, I have not a fucking clue. I would think they would want to focus on the current war we are in other then some other country we are not...
You are not special no matter what tab, beret, crest, ribbon, etc you have on your uniform; its the mission that's special. As such, you have no right rubbing your self-inflated specialness in the conventional or support guy's faces. If you do, I assure you it will come back to bite you square in your "special" ass when you find yourself asking one of them for something your "specialness" doesn't have, doesn't have access to, otherwise cant get, or doesn't know how to fix. (Pay issues, chow, vehicle repairs, ranges requests, MEDEVAC, QFR, med supplies, hescos and t-walls are just a few which come to mind.)