
I'm behind on at least 2 however crap is tight for me. You know who you are and I will send stuff out for you.

Anyone else please read the first page.

I missed out on those 2 who were out however they are back home safe.

Anyone else interested in doing this read the first page.
Starting in May, I'm back into the package sending business. I might even let the Troll give a hand with packaging. :-"

Please send PM's with addresses - and cookie, coffee, and hot sauce preferences. ;-)

Starting in May, I'm back into the package sending business. I might even let the Troll give a hand with packaging. :-"

Please send PM's with addresses - and cookie, coffee, and hot sauce preferences. ;-)


Thanks LL.

As I noted on the first and second page anyone can send out to anyone from the community. Thank you to everyone for helping out.
Just discovered this thread. What a great idea!
Marine0311 could I possibly send some packages over to you when I am home and ask you to send it on? :-)
I'd like to pitch in as well - send a PM with an address along with preferences and I'll get one out lickety-split!
It has come to my attention that there are several Marines/Sailors in my son's unit that are not getting any mail/packages this deployment. The battalion chaplain aka "Chaps" has put out the call to our parents group to pitch in, so no one goes without a little love for the holidays. I will be sending a few extra packages for the holidays as I always do, but if anyone would like the address to contribute please PM me. Thanks!
It has come to my attention that there are several Marines/Sailors in my son's unit that are not getting any mail/packages this deployment. The battalion chaplain aka "Chaps" has put out the call to our parents group to pitch in, so no one goes without a little love for the holidays. I will be sending a few extra packages for the holidays as I always do, but if anyone would like the address to contribute please PM me. Thanks!

I'm behind on this thread :(

Send me a name, etc., Chop.
I just got this message from our FRO:
Good evening Parents, I spoke with Chaplain XXXXX today and he asked me to thank you for all of the care packages. He says that they have plenty of food and hygiene gear and that if you are part of an organization that sends many packages at once to please scale it down to one at a time as they are overwhelmed with care packages at the moment.

Looks like "Chaps" putting the call out to our FRO for Christmas was taken well to heart. Im told that somehow his addy was given out to so many organizations that they are literally inundated. Some book club sent 220 boxes...yes BOXES of books! Ive also heard the H & S staff have said they have never seen anything like this..even beating out the generosity of our last deployment. I know that some of that generosity came from this board as well. A big "thank you" from me as well as all of our Marine Parents group. :thumbsup:
It has come to my attention that there are several Marines/Sailors in my son's unit that are not getting any mail/packages this deployment. The battalion chaplain aka "Chaps" has put out the call to our parents group to pitch in, so no one goes without a little love for the holidays. I will be sending a few extra packages for the holidays as I always do, but if anyone would like the address to contribute please PM me. Thanks!

Um, errrr, so, the Marines in your son's Platoon want Chaps for Christmas? That's a bit alternative... the cologne, or the leather, either one.... :hmm:
Um, errrr, so, the Marines in your son's Platoon want Chaps for Christmas? That's a bit alternative... the cologne, or the leather, either one.... :hmm:
Stop confusing the twisted fantasies that exist in your head with what I actually typed! :-o
Reminder: This is open to anyone to send packages out to those who request them.

Be mindful of OPSEC/PERSEC