Should I Join the Military to For a Career in Intelligence?

I am an E-5 in 2W0 job. I have been looking at an ISR job or operations. Doesn't really matter about location.
The AF (via AFPC) used to have a master AFSC listing which showed all AFSC's and their locations.
Look at the 1A3,4 8 series/locations.

You have to make it through the school before you start getting "cool gigs".
Got picked up for ISR. Not sure what career opportunities can present themselves with this job, but hopefully they will be what I am looking for. Anyone know what kind of degrees would be beneficial, besides intel.
That depends on what platform you are using for ISR (aerial manned vs UAS vs space based). Most of my guys are GIS or SATCOM since we primarily use space based systems, although I have one who works with aerial LIDAR and has a few deployments for it. A good GIS degree is always helpful, several cities need GIS personnel so that is always a market outside of Government work (and the merger of Digital Globe and GeoEye didn't help those working in the US Government sector). Another path to look into is some of the UAS programs that are starting up due to the usage of UAS platforms by LEOs. You can also get into some sort of commo degree due for the command links/freqs that are used by most ISR systems.
Putting this here. :)

