I really believe anyone with enough ability to change a sparkplug on a car can build an AR 15. The real issue though is how good of an AR 15 they can build, 90% is just buying the right parts (especially building mil-spec/bolt together). That other 10% is just learned through trial and error, bull-shitting with people who know, and developing your particular craftsmanship.
I would highly recommend making your first build a mil-spec gun and keeping your mod’s and add-ons to a minimum. Learn what affects the gun by building it, ripping it apart, re-building, etc. Then chat up different builders/shooters and find out what they are doing/using to change the affects you want changed. It may take a year of building, rebuilding, changing and so on, for you to learn what you want, and like. Once you get that figured out, you will already have the “perfect-me-gun” sitting on the bench.
I have no problem making some recommendations on improvements and how to modify to get the affect you desire. I just think you would be better off learning how to build a basic mil-spec and developing your own opinions from the wealth of knowledgeable on this board (and else where). Either way, let me know if I can help you out…