Sniper Quiz

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It depends on the populous, for example; in China, even if you are a one out of a million kind of guy, there are thousands more just like you.

Dad told me with the 03, guy would wrap their thumbs around the waist of the stock. The recoil would give them a bloody nose. I guess if someone had little to no nose, it would not be a issue. I never thought of the nose factor in shooting before. No wonder Chinese build short stock rifles, sneaky people.
Leave it to a lady to take it personally. Psst, don't let HS know what we are talking about. He is probably thinking size of nose, or caliber.
I thought we were talking about holsters. There's nothing worse than having a perfectly functioning, well oiled, large caliber gun and then having some sloppy old worn-out holster that looks like every wrong caliber and type of gun in the world has been shoved into it, and all the residue from those guns are dripping all over it, and it stinks from not being cleaned properly.
I thought we were talking about holsters. There's nothing worse than having a perfectly functioning, well oiled, large caliber gun and then having some sloppy old worn-out holster that looks like every wrong caliber and type of gun in the world has been shoved into it, and all the residue from those guns are dripping all over it, and it stinks from not being cleaned properly.
Now the real story of the FrogLube dealership comes out.
8/9. Seriously, how am I supposed to know how much the SWS costs in the civilian world? I was told, if I broke it, I won't get paid for the whole year. :rolleyes::ROFLMAO: