So... About That Peace Process...


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006

KABUL - Gunmen shot dead a top Afghan peace negotiator in the capital Kabul on Sunday, police said, dealing a massive blow to the country's attempts to negotiate a peace deal with Taliban insurgents.
Maulvi Arsala Rahmani was one of the most senior members on Afghanistan's High Peace Council, set up by President Hamid Karzai two years ago to open talks with insurgents.
"He (Rahmani) was stuck in heavy traffic when another car beside him opened fire," said General Mohammad Zahir, head of the investigations unit for Kabul police.
Generally the Taliban have shown themselves to be a rational organization who wants the best for Afghanistan and understands the importance of negotiation and diplomacy as a means to a better country for everyone. I'm surprised they resorted to violence to express their displeasure with something.
That's the problem with organizations whose sole purpose is to better the lives of a certain group (large or small) of people- you have sects within that may not agree with the current method and choose to act outside the bounds of the parent organization, for one reason or another. Taking in to consideration the origins of this group, I'm certain that when you import a large number of these folks back in to the fold, you invariably bring in some bad apples who may choose to act under their original assumed name, namely as agents who have no desire to see the new organization's goals come to fruition.
Generally the Taliban have shown themselves to be a rational organization who wants the best for Afghanistan and understands the importance of negotiation and diplomacy as a means to a better country for everyone. I'm surprised they resorted to violence to express their displeasure with something.

You typed this with a straight face?
Generally the Taliban have shown themselves to be a rational organization who wants the best for Afghanistan and understands the importance of negotiation and diplomacy as a means to a better country for everyone. I'm surprised they resorted to violence to express their displeasure with something.

So keeping Bin Laden after 9-11-01 was a good negotiating tactic?
Generally the Taliban have shown themselves to be a rational organization who wants the best for Afghanistan and understands the importance of negotiation and diplomacy as a means to a better country for everyone. I'm surprised they resorted to violence to express their displeasure with something.

Use a goddamn smilie next time fucker so people know you are being sarcastic.
If I have to doing any modding (outside just being a power hungry asshole) because of this I'm going to mail you an entire ANA platoon's turds after curry thursday at the DFAC.



Pakistani official says the country will release more Afghan militant detainees to boost the peace process in Afghanistan.
Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani said Pakistan has initiated the process of releasing those Afghan detainees in its custody who they think will help facilitate the reconciliation process. He did not give a timetable.
His comments were made during a press conference Friday in Abu Dhabi and relayed by the Foreign Ministry on Saturday.
Pakistan is seen as key to peace efforts in Afghanistan when foreign troops plan to depart the country in 2014.
Pakistan has released 26 Taliban prisoners in recent months.
Kabul has been pressing its neighbor to release more prisoners in the hope of bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table.

Awesome! Because releasing terrorist prisoners ALWAYS helps with the peace process.:thumbsup::whatever:

It's even better for peace when they "release" themselves!

Here's an idea... how about the Taliban release some of THEIR prisoners for a change. Or how about just this one:
Hey look, it's working, peace is breaking out EVERYWHERE in Afghanistan! Can't you hear it?

Oh wait, that's the sound of gunfire.

Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gunbattle was still raging nearly four hours later.
Police officer Mirza Mohammad said at least one insurgent blew himself up at the entrance to the compound and a number of others wearing suicide vests entered the building. Another police officer said at least three attackers entered the building and two were killed. The officer, who could not be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said a gunbattle was taking place inside the three-story building.

"Still there may be one or two inside the building, but we are not sure," he said, adding that four Afghan police commandos were wounded. Sediqi said there were no civilian casualties in the attack.
The area has been surrounded by Afghan security forces, he said, and police commandos are conducting the operation.
"This shows the ability of the Afghan forces, that they are leading the operation. ...

a gunbattle was still raging nearly four hours later...."Still there may be one or two inside the building, but we are not sure, "This shows the ability of the Afghan forces, that they are leading the operation. ... :-/

You know what that above bit reminded me of? The "cocaine is a hell of a drug" Dave Chappelle skit.
At least you guys have taught them the art of the "not authorised to speak to the media" type of leaker though.