So tell me again why we are releasing this CIA "torture" report?

To cause some inflammation and stir things up a little.

To put it stir the pot.
I'll play Advocate for a second. Is this Obama's fault or the CIA's for doing it in the first place?
I'll play Advocate for a second. Is this Obama's fault or the CIA's for doing it in the first place?

His fault for declassifying the report, which, by declassifying, will increase the personal safety risk to every American (and other Westerners too probably) overseas.

How is this NOT political payback for the mid-terms???
I'll play Advocate for a second. Is this Obama's fault or the CIA's for doing it in the first place?
Guess that depends on where you fall on the whole torture...errr..."Enhanced interrogation" debate. I know where I fall.
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His fault for declassifying the report, which, by declassifying, will increase the personal safety risk to every American (and other Westerners too probably) overseas.

How is this NOT political payback for the mid-terms???

Forgive my ignorance here but is the president who declassifies information? Not being snarky, I looked it up and was a bit confused.
I'll play Advocate for a second. Is this Obama's fault or the CIA's for doing it in the first place?

Doing what? Waterboarding? It's a non issue that was made an issue by liberals. Waterboarding is not fucking torture.
Also, so what if they did do more, even if they did things that truly are torture, they were authorized so who it's not the CIA's fault/problem.
If they stepped over the line? Well, that's another kettle of fish.
Forgive my ignorance here but is the president who declassifies information? Not being snarky, I looked it up and was a bit confused.

I was wondering the same thing. I thought that was handled by someone else. I found an Executive Order on it:

That being said, I do believe the President probably played a large role in this. Even if he's not the one actually doing the de-classification, I believe he likely used plenty of pressure in order to make it happen.
This article claims that Feinstein and her buddies on the senate intelligence committee were behind the urge to release the report. It also says that the administration welcomed the report, but also wanted to redact really big parts of it. John Kerry (surprise!) warned of the foreign policy implications. Obama has put the CIA in charge of redacting the report.

It really looks like Feinstein was the main thrust behind the report, and is breaking ranks with the administration. Division within the ranks, perhaps?
"So tell me again why we are releasing this CIA "torture" report?"

Because, our politicians like to play games against each other and can't comprehend the world outside of the political "bubble" they live in......
This article claims that Feinstein and her buddies on the senate intelligence committee were behind the urge to release the report. It also says that the administration welcomed the report, but also wanted to redact really big parts of it. John Kerry (surprise!) warned of the foreign policy implications. Obama has put the CIA in charge of redacting the report.

It really looks like Feinstein was the main thrust behind the report, and is breaking ranks with the administration. Division within the ranks, perhaps?

Because releasing the details of when/where/how we collect intel is gonna be awesome for foreign policy! O_o
The President has some loose lips people. I don't know why they let people with no military background whatsoever run our defense at all. But let's hope there is some sort of altruistic benefit to the releasing of such information (which I doubt after Neptune Spear) rather than politics and personal gain.
Here is a novel idea. Before you can serve as POTUS or any form of Defense Dept/Intel Dept leadership role you have to have served in the armed forces.

I have to go back to work very soon so maybe I can type out a long response later, but this is clearly a bad idea. Just because you decided to join the armed forces (which you weren't forced into doing) doesn't make you any more ready to be POTUS than someone who is a biologist. The one thing I think is terrible about some MIL guys is thinking just because we serve, it makes us any smarter at developing complicated foreign policy. Some of the stuff I read on a site I won't name directly, but writes articles on foreign policy from a SOF viewpoint are quite terrible, and some of the authors are 15-20 year vets of SOF.