So tell me again why we are releasing this CIA "torture" report?

Well, if you want to be picky about it, "your side" set the precedent on that. When in Rome, and what not. Frankly, I don't think that there's two sides in the manner that people think. Republican, Democrat, all paid by the highest bidder. The only other side is the unwashed, unelected masses (in other words, us).

Remember when San Fran Nan promised to drain the swamp of corruption when she became Speaker of the House? Or do you try to forget that one? The corruption has run deep for a while. I'm surprised the Repubs have only now abandoned the 72 hour promise when the Dems didn't care about it to begin with.

Whole heartily agree that both parties hands are just as dirty as the other on a whole set of issues. Money corrupts both sides. Both sides are going to vote to pass increased contribution limits for big donor which is disappointing to say the least.
I remember a Presidential Candidate from Illinois saying laws would be posted on the internet for 10 days prior to signing, how long was ACA posted for???

As far as Gruber, what we learned is the people writing the law lied and obfuscated the facts to hide the true cost to the taxpayer. We also learned that Gruber won't discuss his salary, saying we need to talk to his lawyer to find out how much he made, which begs the question: What could be incriminating about a pay check?

Can you cite that first comment, I have never heard of such a promise?

As far as the second point, come on. Has there ever been a law that has received even a fraction of the scrutiny that the ACA received? It took a year to pass and has been under severe scrutiny for 5 years now. The CBO has scored the law every year since before it was passed. People knew exactly what was going on or they had the ability to find out what was going on.

If your concerned about Gruber's consulting contracts then subpoena them. The government got the records, but even then you subpoena them and that gets you what?
Has there ever been a law that has received even a fraction of the scrutiny that the ACA received?

I would rank the DMCA right up there with it. I don't believe it was scrutinized as much politically since it meant bigger gov't, but I think it was scrutinized more by the general public than the ACA.
Can you cite that first comment, I have never heard of such a promise?

It was 5 days...

I knew all those promises he was making as Senator were all BS, I'm still stunned that anyone fell for his empty and ultimately false rhetoric.

February 06, 2009
03:39 PM EST
As we've noted on the blog, the President has signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. We've also published the DTV Delay Act of 2009.
Since a few questions have come in, we want to update you on the President's campaign commitment to introducing more sunlight into the lawmaking process by posting non-emergency legislation online for five days before signing it. This policy will be implemented in full soon; currently we are working through implementation procedures and some initial issues with the congressional calendar.
The President remains committed to bringing more transparency to government, and in this spirit the White House will continue to publish legislation expected to come to his desk online for public comment as it moves through Congress.

I remember a Presidential Candidate from Illinois saying laws would be posted on the internet for 10 days prior to signing, how long was ACA posted for???

Can you cite that first comment, I have never heard of such a promise?

There's probably a lot of things you never heard him say Scott or remember. And just because you didn't doesn't mean he never did. I heard him say it as well during his campaign. He also promised all of the proceedings would not only be open, but televised to the public on C-Span. I just did a scrub search and found it.

From Back In 2009 No Less

As far as the second point, come on. Has there ever been a law that has received even a fraction of the scrutiny that the ACA received?

Wanna know why? Because most Americans with a just a modicum of common sense knew the pack of lies that would be needed to sell everyone this tainted bill of goods. Like your health plan? You can keep it. Like your doctor? You can keep your doctor. Wanna sign up? Go to our sooper dooper website for your next surprise.......:rolleyes:

People knew exactly what was going on or they had the ability to find out what was going on.

Let me refresh your memory Scott. The hearings were closed. They not only went on behind closed doors, but those doors were also closed with the minority party locked out.

Gruber wasn't paid for nothing. And the fact is he made the comments he did, is for the very reason we are here today with this ungodly mess.

And no, WE DIDN'T KNOW. We had a hunch, that was all. And that was it was going to boil down to a single payer system, which we were promised it would not. Hell, even Harry and Barney admitted that was the end goal and it was never about obamacare.

So keep defending this apologetic administration who continues to weaken the American Landscape from within and in the eyes of the world. It's a damn shame.

As for the condemnation of the CIA, it was politics, aka Political Theater, first by Feinstein and now by her ass kissing colleague from CA, Congresswoman Jackie Speier.. she can go fuck herself too as far as I'm concerned.
I heard on the radio yesterday (Bill Bennet, I think) that the timing was due to the fact that once January comes around, the Democrats would not have the authority to release the report and the Republicans wouldn't release it. So yes, political in nature, but not necessarily because of Gruber.

I did enjoy watching Trey Gowdy grill Gruber, though.
I heard on the radio yesterday (Bill Bennet, I think) that the timing was due to the fact that once January comes around, the Democrats would not have the authority to release the report and the Republicans wouldn't release it. So yes, political in nature, but not necessarily because of Gruber.

I did enjoy watching Trey Gowdy grill Gruber, though.
It's possible, but unlikely. Yes the republicans would gain one more seat on the committee as per the rules, but it's important to note that the committee voted to release the report back in April, on a vote of 11-3. The vote to approve the report was considerably tighter, at 9-6, but the release vote had strong bipartisan support so I don't think that another Republican member would have changed anything.

By the way, thanks for that explanation. I actually had to go and read the rules of procedure for the committee and learned quite a bit from it.
I heard on the radio yesterday (Bill Bennet, I think) that the timing was due to the fact that once January comes around, the Democrats would not have the authority to release the report and the Republicans wouldn't release it. So yes, political in nature, but not necessarily because of Gruber.

I did enjoy watching Trey Gowdy grill Gruber, though.


Now it's a "he said, she said" that's worse than the Bill Cosby fiasco. At least Cosby will be able to confront his accusers and be judged by his peers. EITs just have the whackos on youtube and some Senator from California saying government is all bad.
The interview with one of the men who interrogated KSM. Living down here in Tampa.. I'll have to shake his hand one day if I see him around bad monkey. Although I'm thinking that he's probably gonna lay low for a bit, especially after being thrown under the bus.

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The Senate Democrats are lowlife scum for releasing this "report" IMO.

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