SOF Combat medic question


running up that hill
Jan 3, 2007
in Wonderland, with my Alice
xSFmeds post inspired me to ask this:

US Army Special Forces Medical Sergeants, or 18 Delta (18D) are, without question, regarded as one of THE best and most proficient combat medics in the military - if not the entire planet.

They possess vast knowledge that enables them to handle not only trauma care, but sustained care if need be. All that in austire, maybe even extreme conditions. Conditions which normal(conventional forces/non military) medics will never see or experiance.

But the US Army is not the only branch of the Military that has specially trained meds, USAF Pararescue Jumpers are also specially trained meds, so are the SOA medics in the US Army 160th SOAR(A).

What is the difference between those ?

I understand that a 18D is a Special Forces Soldier first (warrior-diplomat) and a combat medic second. But so are the PJs....right ?
The major difference between an 18D and a 160th medic/PJ/SEAL corpsman would prolly be the clinical side of medicine. Being able to diagnose and treat austere medical problems as opposed to trauma problems. The SOCM course is the trauma portion and is 6 months long and trains trauma. The second half that 18D's go to is another 5 months and trains on medical problems.
And sister servises do not have that 5 month portion I would assume ?

The Army and Navy go through SOCM together, the PJ's have their own course. As for the second portion, 18D's go straight through and select SEAL and Recon corpsman return to Bragg to do the second half. PJ's, Rangers, and SOAR medics never do the second half as far as I know.
So who usually does do the second half? I believe some of the SOF IDC Corpsman go right?
The Army and Navy go through SOCM together, the PJ's have their own course. As for the second portion, 18D's go straight through and select SEAL and Recon corpsman return to Bragg to do the second half. PJ's, Rangers, and SOAR medics never do the second half as far as I know.

So who usually does do the second half? I believe some of the SOF IDC Corpsman go right?

Read the highlighted portion
nothing so far is wrong, as usual. clinical medicine is built into the PJ course. While it isnt nearly as extensive as some of the others, our OJT and follow ons help.

As far as what is the difference between? I can only speak about PJ cause i am one and i'm not naive enough to speak about stuff i haven't experienced. That being said- we (PJs) are NOT medics, so you hit it on the head Rav. We are rescue specialists. We are there to effect rescue. If the mission calls for a dive, jump, overland, etc, we have that. We are also able to coordinate OR missions on a much higher level. While we are nationally registered paramedics (a huge difference, considering 18D, corpsman and SOAR medics are ATP certified, and not P recognized), it is not our only focus. So the clinical medicine does not hold the same importance as our trauma training. On a side note here, PJs are also ATP qualified medics. Well, the smart ones, anyway. I digress.

that is how i see the difference. No one better, but all different. There you go.
I would like to ask a question about the PJ course, since it is separate from the SOCM, course, was it always that way? At one time did all the SOF med types attended that course? If so, was the move kind of similar to what I've read about the AF having their own combat dive course now, to affect more students being slotted for the course due to lack of seating at the original combat dive course? Thanks.
I would recommend the article in the current issue of Special Weapons that deals with Pararescue. I would BUT. . . After a few intro paragraphs, the author takes a turn to the current controversy over what aircraft pararescue is using and completely wanders away from what I asumed the intent of the article was, given the title "US Combat Search and Rescue Teams"

Can ya tell I'm feeling a lil cheated here?
I have to take slight umbrage at your misquote from another post - I said SF Medics are the best COMBAT Medics out there - let me qualify that.

1. SF has a mission unlike any other in the military arsenal - it is diverse, but the main focus, mission one, is:
"To Train, advise, organize and assist indigenous forces in their fights agaist oppressive governments"

2. SF medics (2 ea. per team) can be responsible for the training of medical personnel to support a Battalion size element (approximate BN size is 500 soldiers), build, organize, staff, and manage a field hospital. (Including veterinary services)

3. SF medics are integral to the fighting capability of the team itself - they are SF Soldiers first and render aid to others - to levels most other medics are not trained to accomplish.

4. I am biased - rightly so, but I would never disparage any other highly qualified SOF medic (well except for the PJ's, they're basically just rescue dogs, y'know -dog paddle, jump out of the back of pickups, stick their noses out of windows of moving vehicles, run around with kegs strapped to their necks, slobber a lot, generaslly good with kids, and well, not always too bright:eek::doh::D:evil: - but, I digress) They have a different mission than SF.

Any true COMBAT medic is worth his weight in gold to his Team, SF medics can be worth their weight in platinum, not only to their team but occasionally to a bigger population.

Does this make sense to everybody, even the Marines and PJs?:evil:
That being said- we (PJs) are NOT medics, so you hit it on the head Rav. We are rescue specialists. We are there to effect rescue. If the mission calls for a dive, jump, overland, etc, we have that.

Ok Ok...We both know that at least 70% of the PJ community would castrate you for that statement.
I yield I yield...don't want an SF Dogpile on me. You definitely have us beat in numbers. i mean...look at all of you 1000s of SF types...and us poor PJs only numbering in the high 200/low 300 range....Hey, it's good to see at least when the Army lowered it's standards and started taking ex-cons, geriatrics and obese people, it also bolstered the SF community. :evil: Are maternity ACUs popular in SF? :D
I yield I yield...don't want an SF Dogpile on me. You definitely have us beat in numbers. i mean...look at all of you 1000s of SF types...and us poor PJs only numbering in the high 200/low 300 range....Hey, it's good to see at least when the Army lowered it's standards and started taking ex-cons, geriatrics and obese people, it also bolstered the SF community. Are maternity ACUs popular in SF?

JAJ- I used to like you as part of the KradleStomping Crew:confused: - the dogpile mentioned, was by the 70% of the PJ's that disagreed with amlove, put on him by his own community... thus the quote of your ever-so-sage advice to him to never utter that statement in public again, for fear of his manhood being removed forcibly by the remainder of the PJ community...:eek::doh:

I apologize for any miscommunication, and will accepot the castigation above, due to the fact I was clarity-challenged in my post.

This, does not in any way mean that your comment does not cut me to the quick, nor that I think you are any less of a bastard for making the comment - I still respect you and your job, you Bastige.:doh::evil:
I yield I yield...don't want an SF Dogpile on me. You definitely have us beat in numbers. i mean...look at all of you 1000s of SF types...and us poor PJs only numbering in the high 200/low 300 range....Hey, it's good to see at least when the Army lowered it's standards and started taking ex-cons, geriatrics and obese people, it also bolstered the SF community. :evil: Are maternity ACUs popular in SF? :D

JAJ- I used to like you as part of the KradleStomping Crew:confused: - the dogpile mentioned, was by the 70% of the PJ's that disagreed with amlove, put on him by his own community... thus the quote of your ever-so-sage advice to him to never utter that statement in public again, for fear of his manhood being removed forcibly by the remainder of the PJ community...:eek::doh:

I apologize for any miscommunication, and will accepot the castigation above, due to the fact I was clarity-challenged in my post.

This, does not in any way mean that your comment does not cut me to the quick, nor that I think you are any less of a bastard for making the comment - I still respect you and your job, you Bastige.:doh::evil:

I understood 7 words in that post....did you just call me a homo?