SOF Combat medic question

I see my post initiated ethic cleansing :D

What on earth do you mean? The PJs, Navy Medics, AF medics, and Marines are still here. HMMMMMMMM, so are you for that fact, and if we were gonna ethically clean anything, it would be the Philosophy guy from Poland who thinks he's an NCO, because ethically that would be the right (or is that the wrong???) thing to do.:evil::evil::doh::D

Now let me get back to asking if the PJs, if theywant to steal the beer from the Marine Commo bunker while the Gunney (Ret.) plays with matches over at the ammo dump - we can get lit while the Gunney becomes the evening's fireworks.
This thread should be a sticky!!!! This is some funny chit!!!!

We are gonna need resupply soon! Cause with this crowd the beer in the Commo bunker isn't going to last!!!

Can we call in a LAPES drop from the Commo bunker and put it on the Marines Tab?
Nope, 0699 found an old book of matches in the street and is playing with fire over by the ammo dump:eek::doh::evil: We may want to move over to the commo bunker on the other side of the compound for safety, plus I heard they always have beer... wanna go glom some beers until we hear the sound of a retired Marine exploding?

Hey!! I'll be 42 next month; I've only started three "accidental" fires and only set myself on fire once. It could be a LOT worse... >:{
Now let me get back to asking if the PJs, if theywant to steal the beer from the Marine Commo bunker while the Gunney (Ret.) plays with matches over at the ammo dump - we can get lit while the Gunney becomes the evening's fireworks.

Just don't make me come down and open up the clinic after hours. And xSF, remember "shitfaced" just isn't a good diagnosis for the triage tag ;) :D
Yeah - you could be unsupervised and have matches...:doh:

BTW - I need new pics of the match, I'm beginning to wonder if you still have it.

It's getting shipped up this week; I'll post new photos once it arrives. :D
Bobby McFarren didnt commit suicide- thats what the drunken PJs WANT you to think. I went to france for like 7 days and just LOOK what happened to this thread!

WTFO! I love this place.
Keep the thread on track people, it'll be cleaned up soon.

But, Boss - we discussed the merits of the different services' medical capabilities, and then moved on to a new subject.

Ok, let's get back on track... Gunney can still blow up the ammo dump, but we have to move the party to the aid station and drink the medical alcohol instead of stealing beer from the Commo guys.

This also puts the PJs SF Medics and Navy Corpsmen in the right place to put Gunney (aka Humpty-Dumpty) back together again.

Since this will be a semi-combat medical exercise - Who will describe the types of injuries we can expect once the Gunney starts throwing lit matches into an ammunition storage facility?

Not bad - but you, as the patient/casualty are currently unconscious, so you need to stay quiet or we let HeloMedic work on you:D, even better - Racing Kitty will be allowed to create one of her explosive pieces of art and wire it to your jaw...


Since this will be a semi-combat medical exercise - Who will describe the types of injuries we can expect once the Gunney starts throwing lit matches into an ammunition storage facility?


How about full thickness burns over 80%, a flail chest, and crush wound to left testicle...but thats only assuming he survived the blast in the first place and long enough to crawl, hobble, or hitch a ride to the aid tent where the debauchery is ensuing to seek help from the paragods with superglue in hand.
How about full thickness burns over 80%, a flail chest, and crush wound to left testicle...but thats only assuming he survived the blast in the first place and long enough to crawl, hobble, or hitch a ride to the aid tent where the debauchery is ensuing to seek help from the paragods with superglue in hand.

Our Gunney is a Marine, tough, with killer instinct, and he got into the matches.... But he was blown clear by the initial blast - thus miraculously "only" sustaining the injuries described (why did none of the rifle ammo puncture him during its ignition? nobody knows, but God tolerates Marines, because they keep heaven full of fresh souls...[yes, I recently watched FMJ] so this could have been God's mercy on the Gunney):

Gunney, I have to say, this is a real buzz-kill, the party was getting rolling, and the Nurses were really getting into the Joint Special OPs Medical Party held by the 18Ds, PJs, and Navy Spec Ops Corpsmen - with strap-hangers like Helo and 91B - but we have to get to work to save you now, you owe more beer than you can ever repay.

So we now have a smoldering, one-nutted Gunney with a chest that looks like a private parked a deuce and a half on it ... After we take Gunney's matches away - What are we going to do?

oh! me first!

Get helo medic on the horn to exfil ASAP as we approach the Gunny.

18D starts at the head with c-collar, airway and interview, rapid assessment of breathing, and a dart to the affected flail side. Flail controlled with large bulky NON circumferential wrap. Full assessment of possible barotrauma for blast, to include poss. TBI (hard to tell, cause Gunny was already a little, um, off).

PJ starts at the feet with reflex and general survey, with special attention to pelvis (blast injury calls for pelvic instability to be life threat numeral dos) and a quick assessment of that nasty testicular torsion problem. 18D and PJ meet at the abdomen with a quick back brief of what they got, and a report to the Navy Corpsman, who has been getting out the hypo kit, spiking 2 liter bags Lactated Ringers (choice for burns) and 1 500ml of hextend (for blood loss and possible hemorrhage) along with the backboard. Parkland Burn Formula (%Bsa burn x wtKg x 4cc) would give us 2L fluid for the first 8 hours to get us to 32L total x 24 hr period. After 1st 24, maintain a 2L maintenance dose. Im guessing that the Gunny is a steely eyed barrel chested square jawed death dealing pork eating freedom fighter, weighing in at 100kg.

Patient is URG SURG. Helomedic reports as such requesting bird w/o seats and ZERO medic transport personnel (you're fucking right i'm going on the bird, get off).

18D assess need for intubation/field RSI/crich, PJ applies MAST and clears legs and lower spine, HM1 wraps, straps, checks, and clears PT for ride, applying appropriate eyes and ears for PT comfort. Helomed checks flight plans for change in altitude, and necessary adjustments (ET tube with saline, pressure infusers being titrated, drip rates monitored).

As the helo lands, 1gm Ertapenem on board, 2 16g Large bores running LR wide open, pain meds as req (Gunny has still been talking shit, asking where the fuck all his REAL warriors, his marines, are and why all these dork sister services are doing all the treatments), so all he gets is some Toradol from the 18D. Kidding. If youre awake Gunny, you get the 1200mcg fentanyl taped to your finger. If youre going in and out, nubain or morphine, with a naloxone chaser on hand of course, just in case youre a light weight.

Ride out with a call to local Trauma 1 with blood typed and crossed on standby, bright lights and cold steel on standby.

What did i miss?