Some people are just...

That is one of those "under-appreciated" professions until you realize just how good some of them really are. I have seen them do some amazing things with "big" trees in extremely "tight" spaces which would have ended in total destruction had I tried it myself.
Several years ago I was passing through a small town in Maine where they were holding a competition (as part of a town fair). I don't think any of them had the stakes quite that high, but I was blown away by the speed and skill.
That is the best ever tree dropping I've ever seen. I wonder what he charges for his service? You can bet he has this video with him for references with new customers. If he dosen't, he would rate high marks for humility.
That fell had nothing to do with a god, IMO; a (likely extensive) process of practice and mastery placed the tree on that fell.

Outstanding result.
I had to cut down about 15 pine trees that got infected with Ips Beetles, none of them quite as big as the one in the video...and every one was an adventure. Some I had to rope off. One fell on my neighbor's fence. One got hung up on another one and I had to pull it down with the truck. :wall:
A few years ago, some people from the church I was attending at the time went to the house of another member to cut down a tree in her backyard that was threatening to fall on her house (I was probably 11 or 12, I don't remember exactly when it was, but I went because my grandpa went and I would fetch things for them). They got all of the branches off and all that was left was the stump. They did their best to cut it in a way that would make it fall away from the house, but tied a rope around it just in case we needed to give it some motivation. So it started to fall and of course it started falling towards the house, but we were able to pull it away from the house (barely) and no damage was done. It made me really nervous for a few minutes, though.