Something very strange happened today.


Evil Genius
Verified SOF
Oct 4, 2015
Had some guy call me from a blocked number. He said "May I speak to Steven Madsen" I said there is nobody here by that name. Then he said "My name" and I said that is my name then I said who is this and what does this pertain to? To which he responded "I am an attorney and Steven Madsen has you listed in his contact information." So I said I don't know a Steven Madsen nor have I ever heard of him until now and why would someone I don't know have me listed as their contact? And the conversation ended.

I've had this number for three months and I've never met anyone in my life by that name. This is very strange to me. Any ideas as to what might be going on?
I always hate when “they“ call me and want me to confirm my identity.

Specifically when they asked me to confirm my address, I always tell them to read back to me what they have for an address and I’ll tell them if it’s correct or not.

“that’s not how it works“ is what I get back from them, But I remind them that they called me.

Usually they hang up in frustration.
We still have a landline, only because of the kids (we want them to have access to us when we're not home). Nine out of 10 calls are spam/junk, and we don't even answer the phone unless we know the number on caller ID. Everyone important to us has our cell #'s and use them. I do check VM, though.

And since you ALL are important to me, 919-945-9209.
We still have a landline, only because of the kids (we want them to have access to us when we're not home). Nine out of 10 calls are spam/junk, and we don't even answer the phone unless we know the number on caller ID. Everyone important to us has our cell #'s and use them. I do check VM, though.

And since you ALL are important to me, 919-945-9209.

Brah... you are gonna get a lot of pizza and Russian Escorts.... jeez.... you should know better than to give US your phone number....}:-):rolleyes::-o:sneaky:
Had some guy call me from a blocked number. He said "May I speak to Steven Madsen" I said there is nobody here by that name. Then he said "My name" and I said that is my name then I said who is this and what does this pertain to? To which he responded "I am an attorney and Steven Madsen has you listed in his contact information." So I said I don't know a Steven Madsen nor have I ever heard of him until now and why would someone I don't know have me listed as their contact? And the conversation ended.

I've had this number for three months and I've never met anyone in my life by that name. This is very strange to me. Any ideas as to what might be going on?

Had some guy call me from a blocked number. He said "May I speak to Steven Madsen" I said there is nobody here by that name. Then he said "My name" and I said that is my name then I said who is this and what does this pertain to? To which he responded "I am an attorney and Steven Madsen has you listed in his contact information." So I said I don't know a Steven Madsen nor have I ever heard of him until now and why would someone I don't know have me listed as their contact? And the conversation ended.

I've had this number for three months and I've never met anyone in my life by that name. This is very strange to me. Any ideas as to what might be going on?

There is a Magistrate Judge by that name in Lipscomb.