Then you have an issue of shifting priorities from Afghanistan over to Iraq. Mind you, I am sure the guys in Afghanistan were doing their job right,
Some were not, see below.
I can't remember which Gen was in charge, but we essentially tied ourselves to the FOB/MOB and didn't wander about. This allowed the TB to move back in, change (slightly) their M.O. and the result is today's operating environment.
Then Major General Eric T. Olson did that. 25th ID had Afghanistan, all of it, in 2004-2005. The division staff ran the war and one brigade held RC East while another held RC South. They had some OPCON'ed Guard units involved with them to be sure, but the bulk of conventional forces were 25th ID. I think they were making some progress until the wheels fell off in Iraq and the 25th ID BDE in country (The Stryker BDE if I recall) was taking a number of casualties. Olson didn't want families to see them losing men in two wars so he quietly put out an order restricting operations to within a few miles (I'm told no more than 10) from their FOBs/ COPs.
I'll say it again in case a few of you are shaking your heads: he deliberately restricted combat operations in Afghanistan IOT avoid casualties and bad press/ morale.
I'd heard rumblings that the 25th ID staff held a dim view of SF as a whole, I even heard a couple of captains blasting SF, but didn't see any widespread behavior; I also wasn't on the JOC floor or roaming the halls of their HQ. 3rd, 7th, and 1st Groups were in country during that time and they could maybe speak to that a little better than I.
The 173rd relieved the 25th ID in the spring of 2005. Some of their tales are epic. Huge trains of mules moving in broad daylight, 50+ bad guys meeting, stuff like that. The NCOs I spoke to didn't have any kind words to say about the 25th's "performance."
The guys on the ground were giving their all, but their leadership failed them and it failed us. Iraq being what it is and draining resources away from OEF-A, I don't see the 25th making a great deal of headway, but they could have at least held the status quo in country at the time. in 04-early 05, units were finding weapons caches left over from the Soviet/ Civil war eras. By the summer, they were uncovering small to modest-sized caches of new weapons and ammo.
The Taliban did a "Rope-a-Dope" on us.
We gave them this war, handed it to them on a platter.