Special shoe soles?


Sep 19, 2014
I have done some searching on this board, and a couple of others, without finding much that pertained to this situation. I have a leg that is shorter than the other, about 9mm, and i've recently been wearing a specialized shoe sole. Not only do the sole's contour to my feet perfectly, one also supports the shorter leg; Thereby correcting the pelvis and back. Without this incline my pelvis tilts a little and it can pinch down on my sciatic nerve, it was not a fun couple of weeks finding this out. My training and running are fine as long as I wear it, but without it the added weight makes an offset.

My question is will they let me wear specific soles in the Air Force like this? I know they(Air Force) give sole's to correct flat feet but I cant find anything on my situation. These things were around $250 and supposedly the ones I purchased are the most durable, made for outdoors and getting beat up.
Well that blows, but I think there may be ways around it. I could easily put cloth underneath the soles I’ve been issued to make the incline. I don’t know if things like that are looked down upon here but I feel whatever it takes to get where I want to be. Even if it means just sucking it up and making sure to stretch relentlessly untill I get to a point where I'm able to better the situation.
@Aenema, talk to a recruiter (and/or MEPS Dr) and see if you meet the medical standards for induction.
Not ideal. I don't know what to tell you. I mean I could tell you that you are eligible for Delta Force and I could tell you that you aren't eligible for the girl scouts. I'm not qualified to make either assessment. A recruiter is. Talk to one. I wish you the best in your endeavors and hope you find what you are looking for.
Hahaha. Thats great. I figured I could ask the recruiter, but also had a problem with the last one when I mentioned something that might not get me in; Result being he never called back. Figured Id try a shot in the dark here first before asking the new one I'm speaking to. Thanks for the advice.
In our neck of the woods the recruiting docs would be looking for that sort of abnormality and would make you medically unsuitable, you'd be eligible to appeal with statements from various docs/surgeons/specialist and then they'd bin you again. When they have bucket loads of recruits in perfect health, they don't need to take on risky propositions.
when you go through MEPS for your physical you will be in your shorts/underwear, you will have to do a series of walking, stretching and other activities (bare footed) where they check for any physical limitations.....I don't see a way around that.
1. See a recruiter. If he/ she is blowing you off over this issue then you already have your answer. You may not like the answer, but there it is.
2. Even if you manage to get a waiver or even slip through the system, then say hello to a desk job. You will not last a week in any sort of rough environment without your inserts. Maybe, just maybe you make it through something which requires a lot of walking and running...maybe you game the system and no one notices your insert, how long will you last without it? If somehow you manage to enlist, take the easiest job you can find and be proud of your sevice, BUT...
3. ...you're now screwing every other vet out there. Why? When you leave you'll have some "service related" disability and thus the VA and American taxpayer will foot the bill for your "service related" injuries. A pre-existing condition is just that.

Think about it: a 9mm offset and without the insert you're in pain? And you think enlisting is a good idea?

Talk to a recruiter, but don't be surprised if you hear answer you don't like.
Hmmm I didn't mean to "screw" anyone out of anything, and I haven’t talked to a recruiter about it yet; The last time I tried to get in the issue was age. Once the recruiter realized he would have to put a little effort into me he gave up on me. Not wearing the soles doesn’t automatically cause pain, it is the non-stop/month-month of the physical element that can trigger the response. This is not an EXTREME issue for me and I could easily make sure to stretch more and do some excersize's to keep it in check. It is not my expectation to just slip into the military and "maybe" float by a couple of things that require running and walking. With this condition I was swimming a sub 18 1000meters, a sub 21 run(3mile), with 80+push-ups/sit-ups, and 18 pullups; on self assessments I was giving myself...

I'm not looking to steal from anyone or just skate by into the military to gain a random job because I got bored with life. I try to put out daily to become a PJ, I run/swim/cal/swim/eat and anything else that will get me there. My back has since straightened up, as this is a correctable issue, and it takes time for it to dis align. Knowing this allows me to distribute weight whenever I need to but in not way is effecting my runs. Even if I put a piece of cloth or sock under the sole on the one foot this would correct the issue. What I want to do will in no way allow me to skate by, I either put out and do it or I get dropped and discharged(at least this is what im hearing now for Battlefield Airmen). I didnt mean to sound like I wanted to just sneak into the military so I can serve for the benefits and fanfare. I want to do this to become something greater than myself and have the opportunity to end this life with a pride few have ever felt. Sorry if I offended anybody.
Hahaha. Thats great. I figured I could ask the recruiter, but also had a problem with the last one when I mentioned something that might not get me in; Result being he never called back. Figured Id try a shot in the dark here first before asking the new one I'm speaking to. Thanks for the advice.

Instead of posting a snarky reply I'm going to try to leave the Internet a better place.

DOD 6130.03: PHYSICAL STANDARDS FOR APPOINTMENT, ENLISTMENT, AND INDUCTION details conditions that do not meet the standard for enlisting.

Page 32 may be of interest to you.
The recruiter not calling me back incident is actually something the new recruiter has apologized many times for. It was only an age waiver and my P.A.S.T numbers were among the highest in the group; problem for me was the others didn’t need a waiver and were easier to send out. This recruiter seems to see my passion for it and is almost outraged at the way I was handled the first time. So I'm sorry if I came off sounding like I was just trying to sneak past talking to the recruiter; Its more of a feeling out to come here first. Thank you for posting the link, looks like ill have to put out and try to get a waiver from a local PJ my recruiter put me in contact with.
when you go through MEPS for your physical you will be in your shorts/underwear, you will have to do a series of walking, stretching and other activities (bare footed) where they check for any physical limitations.....I don't see a way around that.
THIS. Nowhere to hide when you're duck walking at MEPS, sans clothing.
You sound like you're trying to convince your audience here that you're worth it/can do it/will make it/have all the answers when (as has been pointed out before) we're not the ones making the decision. Like it or not, "No" is an answer too.
I dont believe there is anywhere to hide or anything like that, I even stated I guess its waiver time. My main reason for reinforcing my times and determination was to inform of my intentions...

""Maybe, just maybe you make it through something which requires a lot of walking and running...maybe you game the system and no one notices your insert, how long will you last without it? If somehow you manage to enlist, take the easiest job you can find and be proud of your sevice""

I felt like maybe I offended some by seeming like a person who just wants to snake his way into the military for the benifit of being in the military. I thank you all for the information and the next move is to bust ass to make a waiver possible. The information that I have recieved from you guys shows me that I will need to put up some pretty epic numbers on a mock P.A.S.T test to show I am worth it. I wasnt looking for the "ya go for it" answer, just an idea of how things work as far as soles and the military. As stated I will need more accurate information from a recruiter; my additional posts were ment to show that I was not just looking for an easy way in. Thats the last thing I would ever want anyone to think about me or my intentions. Thankyou for the info
Keep in mind, that you are asking the military to take responsibility for any, and all changes that having a shortened leg bring. That includes pelvic, and spine changes, that can end up meaning chronic pain issues. Right now, there is a draw down, a reduction in force size. Folks with lots of training, experience, and no medical problems are being shown the door. I agree with TLDR20.
""Maybe, just maybe you make it through something which requires a lot of walking and running...maybe you game the system and no one notices your insert, how long will you last without it? If somehow you manage to enlist, take the easiest job you can find and be proud of your sevice""

I felt like maybe I offended some by seeming like a person who just wants to snake his way into the military for the benifit of being in the military...

If you're going to quote me don't hide behind the "some" comment, but let me explain your presentation and my response before you are bent out of shape.

Your orignal post:
Without this incline my pelvis tilts a little and it can pinch down on my sciatic nerve, it was not a fun couple of weeks finding this out. My training and running are fine as long as I wear it, but without it the added weight makes an offset.

So, why did I say "take the easiest job?"

BECAUSE YOU ADMITTED YOUR BODY IS BROKEN WITHOUT THE INSERT. By "easiest' I should clarify "least physically demanding job because otherwise you stand an excellent chance of suffering permanent musculoskeletal damage."

Good luck with your waiver.
I've been dealing with one leg slightly shorter than the other for about 15 years in the military. Either make it a big issue now and likely not get in or deal with it and maybe end up broke. I'll tell you that Red Flag is spot on and the herniated L3/L4 and plenty of other issues that are chronic are not a fun place... but fuck it.. I'm still on jump status and doing a jump on friday.. so YOLO
The "some" comment wasn’t to hide behind, I felt maybe more than just you might have been offended; your comment just seemed more obvious so I used it.

I understand now what you meant when you said that and apologize for my assumptions about it. So far I've gathered that my situation is a long shot at best, so all I can do is hope things go in my favor at this point. Thank you for any insight into the matter.