If you're not with me......then you are my ENEMY!!!!One of the Sith has arrived. But beware, always two there are.
If you're not with me......then you are my ENEMY!!!!
That was a quote from #3 and(never thought I'd say this) even THAT movie was better in my opinion!!!,
Concur. The prequels live in the level of low that drops just to reset the new standards of low.If you genuinely found any of the Prequels to be even remotely superior to TFA - then you sir are either far too young to appreciate the original 3 for what they were, or are simply trying to get me going.
The Star Wars novels answer questions regarding Han (RIP) and Leia's progeny. I'm pretty sure Rey will be revealed as their daughter. The film is taking some liberties with the Star Wars literary universe, but that's OK.
If you genuinely found any of the Prequels to be even remotely superior to TFA - then you sir are either far too young to appreciate the original 3 for what they were, or are simply trying to get me going.
Did you even see the first 3 movies? And streaming them on your iPhone while doing homework does not count as a "yes" answer.
Either way, "Neef Herder", I say "Bantha Fodder" to your blathering blasphemy, you "Slimy piece of work ridden filth!"
May the Force be with you.![]()
@Tbone - genuine question, are you more of a Star Ttek guy than a Star Wars guy? I know that some of my Trekie friends hate JJ for the Trek reboot because similar to Star Wars, JJ tossed genuinely accepted Trek history out the window to make the movie he wanted.
To that end, by default they now hate anything that has his finger prints on it.
Does anyone else see the agenda that is shoved down your throat with this movie?
Even with "blinders" on, it still has little brilliance compared to the originals. The dialogue between certain characters was good but Han/Leia was cringeworthy. And don't even get me started with that bleeding heart emo they tried to call a villain.If I try hard enough, I can find agendas and messages in nearly any film...especially true in today's T.V. In the case of this movie, I went in with blinders on. All I wanted was something to come close to the brilliance, banter, and fun of the first 3 (with a hesitant thumbs up to Jedi). I got that. And in regards to Han/Leia...it has been said thru unofficial reports that Harrison Ford agreed to do this movie with the condition that Solo would be killed off; as he did not get that wish fulfilled by Lucas in the first three.
There is an edited fan film of the Prequels out there. As Lucas/Disney have given the okay for "fan films" as long as no money is made on them, I am posting the YouTube link here. Well worth the 2 hour watch.
Story Link
In total, the video edits the three prequels together into a movie that lasts just over two hours and is better than any of the three original films. The best part is that the movie only includes around five minutes from The Phantom Menace, which means that we can just pretend that Jake Lloyd’s cringe-inducing performance as pre-teen Anakin never happened. Alas, the movie does not completely eliminate Jar Jar Binks, as it includes his brief moments in Attack of the Clones.
The fan who made the video, Andrew Kwan, describes it as “a condensed version of the prequels cutting away all the fluff and focusing on the narrative of how Anakin becomes Darth Vader.” He admits there are limitations to this approach since the prequels are still pretty bad movies overall but he does say it’s “an improvement.
I was kinda hoping that the kotor would be considered canon.