Star Wars - ** SPOILERS ** discussion thread

Chewie died in Vector Prime (first book of the New Jedi Order series), which is based 25 years after Episode VI. Episode VII is based 30 years after VI, so he would've been dead by now if they were going with the EU timeline.
Brace Yourselves,

HOLY BALLSACK THIS MOVIE WAS THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::wall::wall::wall:

I can't even fathom how much JJ freakin' Abrams has destroyed what was a respectable series. It actually physically pisses me off that everyone likes this movie and it is shattering records.:-/ Politically correct......check. Cringeworthy fangasm sprinkled throughout..... check. Super Disney cliche writing......check. They even ruined Han and Leia for Pete sake!!!! Nothing was believable or even "Star Warsy":mad:

Sorry if this ruined your perception but I had to get this off my chest....:youllpay:
If you're not with me......then you are my ENEMY!!!!

That was a quote from #3 and(never thought I'd say this) even THAT movie was better in my opinion!!!,

If you genuinely found any of the Prequels to be even remotely superior to TFA - then you sir are either far too young to appreciate the original 3 for what they were, or are simply trying to get me going.

Did you even see the first 3 movies? And streaming them on your iPhone while doing homework does not count as a "yes" answer.

Either way, "Neef Herder", I say "Bantha Fodder" to your blathering blasphemy, you "Slimy piece of work ridden filth!"

May the Force be with you. ;-)
If you genuinely found any of the Prequels to be even remotely superior to TFA - then you sir are either far too young to appreciate the original 3 for what they were, or are simply trying to get me going.
Concur. The prequels live in the level of low that drops just to reset the new standards of low.

Suggesting that The Force Awakens is even close to that bad warrants a comprehensive psych eval, STAT!
@Tbone - genuine question, are you more of a Star Ttek guy than a Star Wars guy? I know that some of my Trekie friends hate JJ for the Trek reboot because similar to Star Wars, JJ tossed genuinely accepted Trek history out the window to make the movie he wanted.

To that end, by default they now hate anything that has his finger prints on it.
The Star Wars novels answer questions regarding Han (RIP) and Leia's progeny. I'm pretty sure Rey will be revealed as their daughter. The film is taking some liberties with the Star Wars literary universe, but that's OK.

Disney is taking SW a complete different direction. Even while the original story arc continues in the books (361 as of Monday and more being published)... these new movies are going int a whole different direction.

One must accept that Disney has become the Sith and is very strong in the Dark Powers of the Force.
If you genuinely found any of the Prequels to be even remotely superior to TFA - then you sir are either far too young to appreciate the original 3 for what they were, or are simply trying to get me going.

Did you even see the first 3 movies? And streaming them on your iPhone while doing homework does not count as a "yes" answer.

Either way, "Neef Herder", I say "Bantha Fodder" to your blathering blasphemy, you "Slimy piece of work ridden filth!"

May the Force be with you. ;-)

I own all of the movies(minus the seventh) and have seen each edit of every movie more times than I remember. I honestly just hate this movie so much right now that I look at the prequels with a new found perspective(they still suck). The new movie is so stained with social justice and Disney wonderfulness it makes me sick. In a month or so my blood pressure might go down and I might respect it a little more but I doubt it. The Force Awakens can join the prequels in the trash compactor for all I care.
@Tbone - genuine question, are you more of a Star Ttek guy than a Star Wars guy? I know that some of my Trekie friends hate JJ for the Trek reboot because similar to Star Wars, JJ tossed genuinely accepted Trek history out the window to make the movie he wanted.

To that end, by default they now hate anything that has his finger prints on it.

I never got into Star Trek at all and didn't really care for the reboot. As far as JJ Abrams is concerned I think he believes he's a genius but in reality he screws over the fans on any film he does. It seriously boggles my mind that I'm in the minority here? Does anyone else see the agenda that is shoved down your throat with this movie?
Does anyone else see the agenda that is shoved down your throat with this movie?

If I try hard enough, I can find agendas and messages in nearly any film...especially true in today's T.V. In the case of this movie, I went in with blinders on. All I wanted was something to come close to the brilliance, banter, and fun of the first 3 (with a hesitant thumbs up to Jedi). I got that. And in regards to Han/ has been said thru unofficial reports that Harrison Ford agreed to do this movie with the condition that Solo would be killed off; as he did not get that wish fulfilled by Lucas in the first three.

There is an edited fan film of the Prequels out there. As Lucas/Disney have given the okay for "fan films" as long as no money is made on them, I am posting the YouTube link here. Well worth the 2 hour watch.

Story Link


In total, the video edits the three prequels together into a movie that lasts just over two hours and is better than any of the three original films. The best part is that the movie only includes around five minutes from The Phantom Menace, which means that we can just pretend that Jake Lloyd’s cringe-inducing performance as pre-teen Anakin never happened. Alas, the movie does not completely eliminate Jar Jar Binks, as it includes his brief moments in Attack of the Clones.

The fan who made the video, Andrew Kwan, describes it as “a condensed version of the prequels cutting away all the fluff and focusing on the narrative of how Anakin becomes Darth Vader.” He admits there are limitations to this approach since the prequels are still pretty bad movies overall but he does say it’s “an improvement.
If I try hard enough, I can find agendas and messages in nearly any film...especially true in today's T.V. In the case of this movie, I went in with blinders on. All I wanted was something to come close to the brilliance, banter, and fun of the first 3 (with a hesitant thumbs up to Jedi). I got that. And in regards to Han/ has been said thru unofficial reports that Harrison Ford agreed to do this movie with the condition that Solo would be killed off; as he did not get that wish fulfilled by Lucas in the first three.

There is an edited fan film of the Prequels out there. As Lucas/Disney have given the okay for "fan films" as long as no money is made on them, I am posting the YouTube link here. Well worth the 2 hour watch.

Story Link


In total, the video edits the three prequels together into a movie that lasts just over two hours and is better than any of the three original films. The best part is that the movie only includes around five minutes from The Phantom Menace, which means that we can just pretend that Jake Lloyd’s cringe-inducing performance as pre-teen Anakin never happened. Alas, the movie does not completely eliminate Jar Jar Binks, as it includes his brief moments in Attack of the Clones.

The fan who made the video, Andrew Kwan, describes it as “a condensed version of the prequels cutting away all the fluff and focusing on the narrative of how Anakin becomes Darth Vader.” He admits there are limitations to this approach since the prequels are still pretty bad movies overall but he does say it’s “an improvement.
Even with "blinders" on, it still has little brilliance compared to the originals. The dialogue between certain characters was good but Han/Leia was cringeworthy. And don't even get me started with that bleeding heart emo they tried to call a villain.:ack: He detracted the most from this movie IMO. I don't want to start a flame war but I don't think we quite agree on the movie maybe?;-)
A jaded take on the whole debacle:
1. it's a series of movies
2. it is a money making franchise
3. Lucas sold the franchise, with caveats to make more money
4. Abrams has directorial oversight, to make money
5. the 350+ books were ghost written using plot summaries by Lucas minions - to make money
6. the toys/legos/plushies/coloring books and other media inducing hype/product is to make money
7. Fantasy requires a suspension of disbelief - it's not reality, it's fantasy, a rousing swashbuckling politically charged fantasy - it's not going to change a lot of anything except the linings of pockets for the creators/shareholders/new owners...
8. the 7th movie was fun, raised questions and is in a slightly skewed universe from the others - it still pointed out that it's a bad idea to build a Death Star type weapon, the Resistance will always break your toys...
I guess I'm going to have to sit and watch the cartoons. Never read any of the fan fiction, which is good now because none of it is canon.
I keep reading circular arguments regarding kids mentioning books that this is this and then someone telling them that it doesn't matter.
I was kinda hoping that the kotor would be considered canon.
I respectfully disagree, @Tbone. Han/Leia may have come across as awkward, but show me a moment when two divorcees run into each other after years where it ISN'T awkward. Trust me on this, I've been divorced before. I was disappointed that they split, but I have no control over that.

As far as a social agenda, do you really think that Mace Windu and Lando Calrissian were the only black people in the universe? Because aside from the race issue, I'm not seeing anything, and I'm a devout supporter of men's rights. I'll throw a feminist up under the bus and drive the follow on steam roller my damn self. Unless you're pissed about Phasma, but she's supposed to be a bitch, and I'll bet a lot of people cheer if she eats a blaster shot.

I agree that Kylo Ren was an emo bitch, but I'm not going to write him off until I see how/if he matures as a villain in future episodes.

I don't see any hidden agendas in this movie, to be frank, outside of escaping reality for fun and profit.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Rey's family. I really hope they are totally unrelated to the Skywalker clan. I despise stories with too much inbreeding. It's a space opera for cryin' out loud! Space operas by definition have casts of characters that ae huge. There's got to be more than just the Skywalker family that's got a thing with da Force! I mean how in the world did they have all those other Jedi in the past?
