Statistic programs and calculators

The syllabus says not to buy a graphing calculator just for the class but that if you do have one "you will use it." No recommendations beyond that.

Honestly, the calculations you will do if not an advanced stat class can be done on most. The TI BA2 is useful. I guess I abide by the don't break the bank for something Gucci when really mastering the fundamentals is what it is all about.
I might try just sticking with my regular HP then. If after the first week it isn't cutting it, then I'll look again.

This is not an advanced class thank goodness. I farkin' hate stats. Took it at a 100 level ages ago and this is a 200 level. But my office mate has degrees in computer science and math and I've had to "proof" her statistics white papers for work and produce several pages of plots by hand. (Don't ask.) So I know enough to dread the next 8 weeks of an accelerated course in the stuff.
I have a $20 Casio that everyone in my entire engineering curriculum uses. 1 professor even stocks them for students to sell back at cost just because it's perfect. We can't use graphing calculators because you can store shit on them and use on the test which is "cheating". It's solar powered and does it all, integrals, derivatives, matrices, and other mathematical shit that no one ever uses. You can type the equation out and make the thing solve for X which keeps you from screwing up basic algebra stuff and getting the wrong answer. The thing is truly the nipple on the titty for a very reasonable price.
I just finished my Data Analytics class and we used Palisade's Stattools. It's butt-fuck expensive, but students who have the accompanying book can download it for free, after a very...honor system type of verification check. It is very intuitive and generates a lot of work. We used it to do everything from predictive modeling, to multiple regressions, to generating P-Value charts and all sorts of wacky shit that is great for both statistical analysis, business data analysis, and hypothesis testing.

StatTools: Forecasting and Statistical Analysis Software for Excel - Palisade

It's very expensive, but if you buy the book and are a student you can get the program for free for 2 years. All you have to do is register, give your class information, and AHEM AHEM pass the word-on-the-page type test to see if you have the book. I still have my book, not that you would ask me to give you the word for the check because that would be dishonorable and totally immoral. I mean, all you would have to do is ask and I would give that word, but, this is hypothetical and not at all moral and no one here is any of those things.
I just finished my Data Analytics class and we used Palisade's Stattools. It's butt-fuck expensive, but students who have the accompanying book can download it for free, after a very...honor system type of verification check. It is very intuitive and generates a lot of work. We used it to do everything from predictive modeling, to multiple regressions, to generating P-Value charts and all sorts of wacky shit that is great for both statistical analysis, business data analysis, and hypothesis testing.

StatTools: Forecasting and Statistical Analysis Software for Excel - Palisade

It's very expensive, but if you buy the book and are a student you can get the program for free for 2 years. All you have to do is register, give your class information, and AHEM AHEM pass the word-on-the-page type test to see if you have the book. I still have my book, not that you would ask me to give you the word for the check because that would be dishonorable and totally immoral. I mean, all you would have to do is ask and I would give that word, but, this is hypothetical and not at all moral and no one here is any of those things.

Marry me.
Hey, I thought it was me you wanted to marry;-).

Here I am, just cast aside like a dirty old broken shoe:rolleyes::-":D.

I waited for you, Doc. But unlike men, women have an expiration date. ;-)

ETA: Don't tell the kid mine already passed. He's new around here. I'm hoping he doesn't notice.
I waited for you, Doc. But unlike men, women have an expiration date. ;-)

ETA: Don't tell the kid mine already passed. He's new around here. I'm hoping he doesn't notice.

It's true, I notice that mine usually spoil if I don't refrigerate them within a few hours after cooking.

As for Marriage - Well, depends on whether you can/want to take care of a giant 30 year old man-baby. My pros are that I am witty and funny, my cons are literally everything else.
Know this: Get it wrong with my Dame, and you'll have me on your neck:sneaky:8-).

"It seems here that Mr. Bender has committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head three times, severing his own femoral artery in multiple slashes, dismembering his own body, sealing himself in a 55 gallon drum, and then tossing himself in the middle of the lake. Looks pretty open and shut to me." - Columbus Detective.
So far I'm doing ok with a Casio fx-300 ES Plus we had lying around the house. It has stat functions but no real graphing. Also, the professor continues to change his mind on what we can use for homework/tests and when said items are due. We are on our 3rd syllabus and even though the class ends Feb 28, the due dates are pushed out clear into the end of April. Are all stats teachers this scattered? :ninja: :wall: