This is a great idea, and honestly could lead to some catharsis for some people. I have funny stories, tragic stories, stories that make you think. I am not unique in this I know, just comes with getting old.
@Muppet reminded me of something that happened in college in 1990.
...... oh, BTW, they are Lebanese Christians.
I was a poli sci major, we had two Lebanese study-abroad students, girls, in a couple of my poli sci classes as they were also poli sci majors, at wherever their school was in Lebanon. I don't know if they were Christians, Muslim, Druid, or what.
Over the course of the semester we all ended up at the same parties, so I chatted with them a lot. Girl 1 was extroverted, dressed western, a real partier. Girl 2 was much more quiet, dressed conservatively, didn't drink at all. Yin and yang those two.
At a party near the end of the semester I was chatting with girl 2 since, although a partier, I was (am) introvert. We went somewhere quiet to talk because it was just too loud. One thing led to another and we had marvelous sex. She was not shy then; nor did she seem particularly embarrassed about it after.
They left to go back at the end of the fall semester, and we still chatted quite a bit. She was cool. Fast forward to the middle-ish of the spring semester 1991, the semester I graduate, I am in class and a campus cop comes to the door after class and asks to speak with me. So in the hallway he said a couple guys at the station wanted to talk with me and asked if I'd ride with him. My Spidey senses start to tangle (my freshman year I was falsely accused of stealing a car so I had history with the campus police. If anyone is ever interested I will share that story, too).
So I hop in the 1980-something police Crown Vic and we ride the however many block to the campus police station. The cops were very nice, nothing alarming, but what the fuck? We go in, we go to a small conference room, there are three guys in suits, introduce themselves as from the Raleigh FBI field office, asked me if they could ask some questions. Ummmmmm....OK.
Special Agent Dude shows me a pic of a girl, asks me if I know her. Yeah, she looked familiar, but not sure. The girl is dressed in ME garb, face half-wrapped. SA Dude 2 asks, do I know, did I know, a girl named blahbity-blah. I was like, "yeah, that rings a bell, she was a study-abroad girl from Lebanon." Did the girl in the pic look like her? Fog is lifting, I responded, hell yeah, I think that's her.
They look at each other, asks me if I had ever been a part of any pro-Lebanese/anti-Israel groups or anti-American groups. Now I am stunned. I've no clue what's going on. I said no, of course not. I asked what was going on.
SA Dude 1 says the girl was a known terrorist in Lebanon, they said she tried to radicalize people in the US when she was here, or gt them to join their movement. She never, ever, once mentioned anything political or controversial. Aside from sex once it was all surfacy shit-chat.
They were like, cool, we're good, we have what we need, and had the cop drive me to my apartment. That was the first time I had any interaction with the FBI, and they seemed satisfied I wasn't a terrorist or whatever sympathizer. I never heard another word about it. I sometimes wonder if I had been a target of a honeypot op and found unworthy lol.