Swim. Bike. Run. Shoot. Kill.


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I did the obligatory search and couldn't find this article here. An interesting look at how the Navy and NSW are setting up recruiting booths at endurance races. I thought it was a good article.


Overrun with linebacker types who can't hack the training, recruiters for the Navy SEALs are targeting X Gamers and endurance athletes. Because who wouldn't want Lance Armstrong on the front lines?
pretty smart. recruiting type-a's with competitive nature and the ability to embrace the suck.
Very smart I'd say. Wish our recruiters would catch on, we need those kids; not the "smart", some what in shape, lazy ass couch potatoes that need a personal trainer yelling at them to exercise.
The Marine Corps has been sponsoring the X Games for years now. They figured that they were the right mind set to “take it to the next level”
Very good idea.

They might want to have a wee look at this though, maybe a rethink is in order...

while the average age at the Ironman World Championship is 38, the cutoff for SEAL recruits is 28
Yep, too many meatheads thinking that their bench press max is going to get them through BUD/S...

Just last week I witnessed two SpecWar candidates taking the screen test. One was the typical skinny highschooler and the other was a HS graduate that spent entirely too much time in the weight room rather than on the run or in the pool.

The skinny kid was going for EOD and the meathead, BUD/S. Neither passed his screen test, but the meathead did a lap in the pool --lap being there and back in a 25M pool-- in a little under 2 minutes. To those that don't know, that's slooooowwww. He was pulled out on his third lap. The skinny kid just burned out on the run.
Very good idea.

They might want to have a wee look at this though, maybe a rethink is in order...

while the average age at the Ironman World Championship is 38, the cutoff for SEAL recruits is 28

Ya, they should. I know this is old thread, but just got here, so new to me. I'm trying to get into SEAL at 31.

If I wanted to go enlisted, they would have me shipped out tomorrow. But stupid me has to do it the hard way and try for officer.

And all I get is oh, 31, you're to old. Well if I can go enlisted tomorrow, why can't I try for officer? After all they put you through the same training. Well almost the same.

P.S. I already have a B.S., and working on Masters. I've spent the past 5 years overseas working with military in Iraq and other countries. And my physical scores are so far beyond the minimums that I would have to actually be dead to fail the PST.

But no, I'm too old. . . . . O.K. done venting. :doh:
Ya, they should. I know this is old thread, but just got here, so new to me. I'm trying to get into SEAL at 31.

If I wanted to go enlisted, they would have me shipped out tomorrow. But stupid me has to do it the hard way and try for officer.

And all I get is oh, 31, you're to old. Well if I can go enlisted tomorrow, why can't I try for officer? After all they put you through the same training. Well almost the same.

P.S. I already have a B.S., and working on Masters. I've spent the past 5 years overseas working with military in Iraq and other countries. And my physical scores are so far beyond the minimums that I would have to actually be dead to fail the PST.

But no, I'm too old. . . . . O.K. done venting. :doh:

So, what's your next move?
Ya, they should. I know this is old thread, but just got here, so new to me. I'm trying to get into SEAL at 31.

If I wanted to go enlisted, they would have me shipped out tomorrow. But stupid me has to do it the hard way and try for officer.

And all I get is oh, 31, you're to old. Well if I can go enlisted tomorrow, why can't I try for officer? After all they put you through the same training. Well almost the same.

P.S. I already have a B.S., and working on Masters. I've spent the past 5 years overseas working with military in Iraq and other countries. And my physical scores are so far beyond the minimums that I would have to actually be dead to fail the PST.

But no, I'm too old. . . . . O.K. done venting. :doh:

If you really want to be a SEAL, why don't you enlist so you can get started ASAP? Have you been offered a waiver for your age yet? With your educational background, you might be able to get a commission down the road. But I guess you have to figure out where your priorities lie. :2c:
If you really want to be a SEAL, why don't you enlist so you can get started ASAP? Have you been offered a waiver for your age yet? With your educational background, you might be able to get a commission down the road. But I guess you have to figure out where your priorities lie. :2c:

Sounds like good advice to me.
If you're in you're in, in my experience it's normally easier to upgrade from within than to enlist :2c:
Yes. If I do want to go the enlisted route, then I could definitely go in tomorrow, figuratively speaking.

But I think you are missing the point of the post. It's not whether I'm choosing the go the officer vs enlisted route. The post was my way of agreeing with rethinking the age limit and also demonstrating my efforts as an older than acceptable candidate.

As far as my choices. Forgive the arrogance, but why should I go enlisted when I meet every qualification for officer. I don't meet the age requirements for officer, but I don't meet them for enlisted either.
As far as my choices. Forgive the arrogance, but why should I go enlisted when I meet every qualification for officer. I don't meet the age requirements for officer, but I don't meet them for enlisted either.

Then the solution is quite simple: you find a new a career option.

Desire and opportunity aren't the same things. It sucks, believe me this is something I personally know about, but at some point you either go with Plan B or create a Plan B. Complaining that Plan A didn't or can't happen doesn't solve anything. I'd be very surprised if everyone on this board, or in life, has seen Plan A through to completion.
Yes. If I do want to go the enlisted route, then I could definitely go in tomorrow, figuratively speaking.

But I think you are missing the point of the post. It's not whether I'm choosing the go the officer vs enlisted route. The post was my way of agreeing with rethinking the age limit and also demonstrating my efforts as an older than acceptable candidate.

Forgive the arrogance, but why should I go enlisted when I meet every qualification for officer...

Might want to check that arrogance.

A college degree is a minimum qual for officers, nothing more. You'd be surprised at the number of enlisted that have degrees; bachelor's, masters and yes, even doctorates.

You clearly don't understand the difference between enlisted and officers. There are many officers currently serving who don't understand either. Not all of them, and there are some on this board who understand. Might want to do a little research on that.

Also, there is a reason for age limits. Good medical/stamina/physiotherapy/budget$ reasons. The military has been around for a long time, they know what it costs to train and retain HSLD service members and their life expectancy in positions.

Your choice shylow, I don't care. You've heard the same advice from several here, take it or leave it, no skin off my back either way.
Good luck to you.
As far as my choices. Forgive the arrogance, but why should I go enlisted when I meet every qualification for officer. I don't meet the age requirements for officer, but I don't meet them for enlisted either.

Your arrogance aside, the reason to 'go enlisted' is because there are many more billets available to BUDS for enlisted men than there are for Officers.
You're overqualified to be an enlisted SEAL? Sounds to me like you feel enlisting is a second rate option. That tells me you would be exactly the type of officer that no one wants, let alone a "bottom up" driven organization like NSW. Have you considered that maybe it wasn't your age that earned the waiver denial. Maybe someone picked up on the same poor attitude that we're seeing here and decided to make a phone call to deep six your package. You're clearly selfish. I'd rethink why you want what you want.