I mean I just thought that instead of calling me lazy that you would've point me into another post or something. I didn't think asking a small question would peg me as lazy man jeez. I didn't read the other posts because this is the first one I went to. Well thanks I appreciate you helping me out I guess.
Know when to put down the entrenching tool, before the fighting position becomes a grave is usually the place to stop digging.
1. Did you even search? Apparently not.
2. Arguing with somebody who will always be higher ranking than you, that you will meet up with in your branch/chosen career path in the service? Bad idea.
3. Feeling entitled to ask about items that have whole sub forums dedicated to them, and then getting butt hurt because you are called for your laziness? Unacceptable.
You need to STFU while you are behind, before you do irreparable damage to yourself.
You will be expected to think, act, and be responsible for yourself and others if you make it through Basic - your entire job as a TACP will be to take the lives of others into your own hands, and be responsible for them.
You may be getting noticed by your upcoming instructors at this time.... just saying, you never know who is on at any given time.
Think about what I just said.