TACP PAST (Standard and SOF)

1.5 Mile Run - 10:47
-10min rest
-pullups (2 minutes) - 6
-2 minute rest
-situps (2 minutes) - 48
2 minute rest
-push ups (2 minutes) - 40

Update to this thread just to get the most current info out there. This PAST is the standard TACP PAST that must be taken to enlist (at least on the ANG side), day one of the prep course, and in each block of the Schoolhouse. Standards at the Schoolhouse will progressively increase each block. As always, you should be well beyond the minimums.

The SOF TACP PAST is the same as what @Red-Dot posted, but there's also a ruck requirement that wasn't listed. 12 miles with 55#, helmet, LCE, and rifle in 3 hours or less. That being said, you need to already be a TACP and have some time at a unit before applying to the SOF TACP Assessment and Selection Board. You cannot come in direct as a SOF TACP.
Two minutes for initial entry and prep course. One minute at the Schoolhouse, but numbers are still the 2:00 minimums. I should've specified that in my previous post, thanks for bringing it up.
Aren't you the kid that leaves in 2 months with a TACP contract? And you don't even know the most basic information about the pipeline? Given you know computers well enough to create an account here, I'm going to assume you're lazy and not someone who has never heard of "Google". Laziness is not a desirable trait in the TACP careerfield, to say the least.
Dang man, well google brought me here and I thought you experienced military guys would help me out and guide me into a good path. I wasn't trying to be arrogant or rude dude, just thought you would help share some knowledge on TACP.
Dang man, well google brought me here and I thought you experienced military guys would help me out and guide me into a good path. I wasn't trying to be arrogant or rude dude, just thought you would help share some knowledge on TACP.

You don't realize it now, but this is guiding you into a good path. A path full of the ability to find your own answers by performing simple actions. A path that will keep you from highlighting yourself in the pipeline by asking questions you should be able to get answers to on your own.

No one said you were being arrogant or rude. I said you were being lazy, which I stand by. I have shared what I consider a fair amount of knowledge on TACP through this board. Have you asked your recruiter? Sometimes they know, sometimes they don't, so I'll give you a mulligan on that one. Did you read through all the threads pertaining to TACP on the main forum and in the TACP Mentor forum before asking your question? I already know the answer, but I want to hear you say it. My hope is that when you answer that question, you realize how lazy it sounds to show up and ask an extremely basic question right off the bat.

This careerfield is about being able to find the answers on your own. You work alone with an Army unit that is going to expect you to know your shit, their shit, other services shit, Coalition shit, Klingon shit, etc. You might as well start down the right path now, because TACP isn't always "crawl, walk, run". A lot of times it's "dead sprint, now run faster".
I mean I just thought that instead of calling me lazy that you would've point me into another post or something. I didn't think asking a small question would peg me as lazy man jeez. I didn't read the other posts because this is the first one I went to. Well thanks I appreciate you helping me out I guess.
I mean I just thought that instead of calling me lazy that you would've point me into another post or something. I didn't think asking a small question would peg me as lazy man jeez. I didn't read the other posts because this is the first one I went to. Well thanks I appreciate you helping me out I guess.

Know when to put down the entrenching tool, before the fighting position becomes a grave is usually the place to stop digging.

1. Did you even search? Apparently not.
2. Arguing with somebody who will always be higher ranking than you, that you will meet up with in your branch/chosen career path in the service? Bad idea.
3. Feeling entitled to ask about items that have whole sub forums dedicated to them, and then getting butt hurt because you are called for your laziness? Unacceptable.

You need to STFU while you are behind, before you do irreparable damage to yourself.

You will be expected to think, act, and be responsible for yourself and others if you make it through Basic - your entire job as a TACP will be to take the lives of others into your own hands, and be responsible for them.

You may be getting noticed by your upcoming instructors at this time.... just saying, you never know who is on at any given time.

Think about what I just said.
I mean I just thought that instead of calling me lazy that you would've point me into another post or something. I didn't think asking a small question would peg me as lazy man jeez. I didn't read the other posts because this is the first one I went to. Well thanks I appreciate you helping me out I guess.

Read the text that I bolded. Now, explain to me how this is not lazy. You read through one thread. ONE! So you decided enough was enough, you couldn't be bothered to search anymore and were going to ask your question. "Well, Sergeant, I went to the first place I thought my land nav point was and it wasn't there. So if you could just go ahead and drive me over there, that'd be great. Thanks." "Hey sir, I know your guys are getting fucked up right now, but my first course of action isn't gonna work, so I guess you'll just have to come up with an answer."

I'm trying to perform the mentoring part of being a Non-Commissioned Officer and a JTAC, but goddamn. You're really starting to get on my fucking nerves. You're the one with everything to prove. Yet you're trying to line up your expectations for me?
@CDG and @kaeo - we're going to stop now. Continue the discussion via pm if you feel it is warranted, CDG, as an NCO you may be able to educate the young man out of public view.

kaeo - you are not off to a magnificent start, you may want to just read for a while. You are messing with 'gators and you're gonna get bit hard and deep if you keep on the track you're currently treading. Should CDG offer you advice, criticism or just an ass chewing in private, realize that he has taken the time to do so to make you better at your chosen job.
i dont know what i did to offend you guys but, I'm sorry. I just wanted some info, i haven't been through BMT or anything so i dont know how your mentality is.
i dont know what i did to offend you guys but, I'm sorry. I just wanted some info, i haven't been through BMT or anything so i dont know how your mentality is.

Did you read the "New Members Start Here" thread?
Did you do any reading before asking inane questions?
Did you read my post directly above yours?
Do you have any idea what you are signing up for as a TACP, or as a military enlisted person?
If you think we are being mean, heartless, or overbearing - you might want to get your contract revoked, this is gentle compared to actually being in the real military.
Apologies thank you for the mentorship/guidance. I will do better in my future researching of information